Tiger Fish: Another Reason Not to Swim in the Congo River.

I don't know which is scarier, this Tiger Fish above or the Candiru fish ... In either case, don't ever swim in the Congo River!

Cellar Image of the Day has more pics: Link - via Random Good Stuff

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It reminds me of the Alligator Garr.The Alli. Garr can be found Any lower than 40 Degrees longitude anywhere in the United states(or over 60% of america). Copy and Paste the following Link to see a Alligator Garr That makes this tiger fish look like a Minnow!! http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.backwaterbowfishing.com/myweb/Texas%2520May%25202006%2520075.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.dogsonacid.com/showthread.php%3Fs%3D7e5c2a53eaed02ea76b25bc3c74bd292%26threadid%3D614745%26perpage%3D20%26pagenumber%3D2&h=1600&w=1200&sz=375&tbnid=CnzeZjFkt-BTnM:&tbnh=150&tbnw=113&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dalligator%2BGarr&usg=__s6tPVyEONTzH-EoRflfgwMY5iPM=&ei=mqIvSo3JK5i0Nb3DnfUJ&sa=X&oi=image_result&resnum=3&ct=image
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That fish with its mouth wide opened and sharp teeth are common in the congo river, in swahili language we call it "manda". It's one of the predatory fish that eat other fish.You'll be surpirsed to hear that they don't attack humans as you don't find them in shoal like the piranhas. So you safe to swim in the congo river but mind the crocos though!
K.Kasongo/ nurse in London.
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R.D.Congo is rich from the bottom to the top. The tourism can by itself stabilize the R.D.Congo economy, but SELFISH, STUPID AND BAD GOVERNMENT.
How guys, did you get there because there are no roads. You did a such great job. Where was it exactly in R.D Congo? God bless your researches.
Kisoka/Agric.Student@ NCSU
in North-Carolina
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