Here's a trailer for Future by Design, a film by director William Gazecki about the vision of Jacque Fresco. Jacque wants to build fantastic new cities from the ground up (or in the sea), complete with flying cars and ma...
This crocheted tardis by LiveJournal user meredee is just one of many pics (and patterns) posted of fan-made projects by the Fandom Knit community.Don't miss: NES Afghan, R2D2 knitted beanie, tribbles, and the Wrath of K...
If you drink designer water like this one, then it just won't do to - gasp! use tap water for ice.Enter aquaICE, purified water in ready-to-freeze sealed ice trays.What will they think of next? Link - via The Bachelor Gu...
If you like our previous post on the Black Hole of Los Alamos, you'll like the space junk at Norton Sales - they've got rockets, real rockets!Dave Bullock has some photos of the place: Link | Norton Sales website - T...