Parking Meter for the Homeless.

The Donation Meter Project, unveiled in Denver last week, uses refurbished parking meters to collect coin donations for the homeless.

Link - via AQFL

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im curious why this is considered a dumb idea? we are about to start working on getting some of these in calgary, whos homeless population is skyrocketing!

critism are appreciated so we dont overlook the obvious or embark down a dead end!
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this was in edmonton too. 3 years ago i think. anyway, it was a fine idea in my dumb books. except for the awkward pleading that took place between me, a parking meter and a homeless guy who wanted the change to go to him directly.

i went with the homeless guy over the machine. it just felt more human(e).
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the 'donation meters' are still around in vancouver - i'm pretty sure there's still one outside granville skytrain station.
anyway, i think it's kind of a ridiculous idea
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I live next to Plymouth, Massachusetts which is a tourist town in the summer. In the winter, however, we're all still here living out our lives.

Until this year, the town of Plymouth used to take all of the parking meters away from appx. November to April. This was wonderful because it meant that parking anywhere downtown was free for the people who live here in the winter.

This past fall, however, they yanked the meters out and put in a system where every block/lot has a single electronic kiosk from which you must buy a ticket to place in your window. They outsourced the maintenance and enforcement of this to a private company. Parking is no longer free in the winter.

Talk about a stupid idea.
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yeh, but shouldn' t all parking meters do this? If there are those that are living on the streets and those that are parking on their "homes", shouldn't they pay for their rent?.. no, your right corona, it's stupid.
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