World's Youngest Website Designer?

8 year old Sreelakshmi Suresh designs and manages the website for her school in Kerala, India. According to the school's site:"She is the 'Youngest Web Designer Girl of the World'. She has got 18 International Awards for Best Web Designing and Presentation."

Her short biography also includes a list of the 18 awards she has won. Even if there is a younger webmaster out there, her achievements are still impressive. Link

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My son started looking at web design software last year when he was 5 and taught himself how to use it, he had his website online when he was 5 yrs and 9 months old. He updates it all the time and tries out new ideas on it (some of which work and some don't) but for a child who's had no formal teaching at all I think he's done OK.

I'd be interested to know if this 8 year old still holds the record...if so I'd say my son has beaten it!
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Yeah, it isn't the greatest site in the world by far, but for an 8 year old, pretty good!

However, I don't think those crappy GIF candles are any good!

And in response to ted, the only part of html she would have needed to know was maybe that marquee thing saying she designed it, otherwise, everything else could have been made just by using dreamweaver.

If you look at the code, she has used META tags for everything, in the style tags, not CSS.
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I don't know where she got the design from, but if you look at the source code, she used Front Page. Front Page requires NO knowledge of HTML code. Zero. Zip. Nada. Rien.

It looks a lot like a template. Impressive enough for an 8-yr-old, I suppose. But worthy of note around the world? Not really.
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I disagree with Nicholas - there are many other websites that are aesthetically beautiful but much less practical than Sreelakhsmi's. Her design is clean and very functional.
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