Archive for January 14th, 2007

6th Annual No Pants! Subway Ride

More than 200 people participated in the sixth annual No Pants! Subway Ride on the 6 line yesterday. Participants gathered at the Brooklyn Bridge-City Hall station, boarded a 6 train, "de-pantsed" and exited at differ...

Carlo Giovani Papercraft.

This cute model belongs to the Carlo Giovani gallery of papercraft and illustrations. Link - via Drawn!...

Sam Buxton's Mikroworld Fold-Out Art.

Mikro Mart has some fantastic Mikroworld [Flash] artworks by designer Sam Buxton, all made from single sheet of metal! (They're shipped flat with fold-out instructions) - via Ursi...

The Slacker Chair.

Stockholm-based designer Marie-Louise Gustafsson created this fantastic bean bag-like "Slacker Chair": ‘Slacker’ adds a new flexible sitting experience as its users have to find their own sitt...

Celebrity "Reality" Comic at YesButNoButYes.

YesButNoButYes is beginning a new semi-regular feature: a comic to tell the true stories behind those sleazy tabloid headlines! Here's the first one, on the saga of (who else) Britney Spears: Link...

Ice Fumarole in Antarctica.

Photo: George SteinmetzThat is an ice tower (fumarole [wiki]), and Mount Erebus in Antarctica has hundreds of them:The flanks of Erebus are spiked with ice towers, hundreds of them, called fumaroles. Gas and heat see...

Gollum and Smeagol Sing Barry White.

A mashup of Gollum and Smeagol from the Lord of the Rings singing Barry White's classic: Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - via SugarJar...

Dave Cole's Knitting Machine.

From the website:The Knitting Machine is just one of artist Dave Cole's large scale projects that consist of ambitiously knitting unconventional materials. In this particular piece Cole uses two excavation tractors e...

James Brown Still Not Yet Buried.

Would you believe it, weeks later, the body of soul singer James Brown is yet to be buried!The body of soul singer James Brown has yet to be buried as attorneys and his children work to settle issues surrounding his...

Easter Island Head Tissue Dispenser.

Our pal Shurebit found this tissue dispenser shaped like Easter Island Moai or head statues!

Weather Station Changes Color to Forecast Weather.

This Oregon Scientific weather station changes color to forecast the weather!Link - via topblogposts...

Drinking of England, by Peter Dench.

Ah, England's drinking ... all captured on film by photographer Peter Dench: - via Look At This ......

Turcios' Caricatures

Omar Figueroa "Turcios" was born in Colombia and now lives in Spain, where he paints those weird but easily recognizable abstract caricatures. Also, here's his caricature of Pinochet. Link...

The Deck Cassette Converter

Yes, a deck cassette converter exists! Also there's a USB turntable. So, retro lovers, you still can use your old tape and LP collections and live in the 80s forever. Link - via Ursi's Blog...

Neatorama Welcomes Juergen Horn of Random Good Stuff.

I'd like to welcome a new guest author to Neatorama, Juergen Horn of Random Good Stuff.No doubt many of you are familiar with Juergen's neat blog, but did you know that he's also an avid photographer (with a photoblog, o...

Eating Really, Really Old Food.

Paul Collins of the Weekend Stubble wrote about one of his favorite freelance assignment, an article on New Scientist about the edibility of really old foods. And he means old: decades or even centuries old!The photo abo...

Love (of Weapons) Shirt.

This t-shirt design from Frogbite uses clever typography, don't you think?Link - via Didn't You HearSee also: Love/Hate Shirt...

Brothers Found Guilty of Overfeeding Dog.

Two brothers from Fordham, UK were found guilty for ... overfeeding their dog! Derek Benton, 62, and his brother David, 53, were found guilty of providing their pet Labrador, Rusty, with an inappropriate diet.*e...

Blinged Out Can of Pepsi.

Pepsi is giving away a $100,000 jewel-studded Pepsi can to a lucky Super Bowl XLI fan: "The can is all blinged out," Pepsi-Cola (PEP) North America Chief Marketing Officer Cie Nicholson says of the sterling...

That's a Big Baby!

From the website: A baby boy weighing 15.7lb has been born in Poland. Kacper, who is more than two feet tall, was born to Bozena Skulska, 44, in Szczecin.Link - via Arbroath...

What to Look For When Buying a New Mattress.

Buying a new mattress? Confused about all those weird product names and their infinite permutations? Slate has got the scoop on how to cut through the silliness:The secret to mattress shopping is that the product is...

Doomsday Clock to be Moved Forward.

The Bulletin of Atomic Scientist [wiki], a global security and public policy watchdog magazine and keeper of the Doomsday Clock [wiki] has just moved it forward to 7 minutes to Midnight to reflect the worsening nuclear a...

Run, Asimo, Run!

Honda had just "taught" the bipedal Asimo robot to run (both feet are off the ground for 0.8 0.08 sec) [YouTube Link]. That's quite remarkable, since not long ago, Asimo Fell and Can't Get Up [YouTube]....

James Randi's Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge Revised to Avoid the Crazies.

For ten years, magician and skeptic James Randi had offered $1 million to anyone capable of demonstrating paranormal ability under scientific scrutiny. But recently, Randi is revising the Million Dollar Challenge. Why? T...

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