Eating Really, Really Old Food.

Paul Collins of the Weekend Stubble wrote about one of his favorite freelance assignment, an article on New Scientist about the edibility of really old foods. And he means old: decades or even centuries old!

The photo above is a 106-year-old Cadbury chocolate bars ...

Link - via Kircher Society

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Can't see myself trying that. Funny thing though is that it doesn't look mouldy. It just looks like when you leave the chocolate in the fridge and sometimes it gets that white look to it.
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A friend of mine was traveling in the English countryside years ago and came across a tiny house museum. You had to knock on the door to have the proprietors come out and unlock the museum's doors. Inside, she discovered the most odd collection of stuff, including preserved slices of wedding cake and the like. I don't think any of had any real historic value, but these folks collected it just the same. My friend could not remember where this was but I've always wanted to find the place for myself.
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I regularly eat stuff that's at least 30 years old or so, of course it's army rations (crackers and such), but they're still as good today as they were back then...even though they're made out of 95% preservatives.
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