Salvador Dali's Student ID Card.

That's Salvador Dali's student ID card from when he was a student at the Special Painting, Sculpture and Printmaking School in Madrid from 1924 to 1925.

Found at VintagePhoto

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Hardly recognize the guy without his mo! Lol!

Interesting fact - On Dalí’s personality, George Orwell once remarked that ‘one ought to be able to hold in one’s head simultaneously the two facts, that Dalí is a good draughtsman and a disgusting human being, the one does not invalidate or, in a sense, affect the other.’ ha-ha!
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If you read his autobiography and if I remember somewhat right ( I havent read it in years), Dali relishes (as he does with pretty much everything else that had happen in his life), about the time he spent as a rebel student pouring plaster down the main stairs of the school in Madrid. The ID dates from this time. He painted fish scales, when the class was to paint the virgin mary. Is my memory accurate anybody? Or was his for that matter?
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