"Lion-faced" Man.

From the website:

Yang Huimin, a 28-year-old man from Central China's Henan Province, had what he thought was a pimple on face when he was 4. But during the next 24 years, the small swelling grew bigger and bigger, eventually covering the entire left side of his face.


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Well well, I look up pictures of a lion for a science project and come across this

...Honestly I wonder why he hasnt commited suicide yet
(I wouldve with THAT face [sorry])
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If I remember, it was this past weekend or earlier in the week that Discovery Channel was showing some shows on extreme surgery which featured a young girl with a bad spine as well as a guy who had a very extreme case of vascular growth (a port-wine stain that covered the whole left side of his face, poor chap).

So, in retrospect, I'm pretty thankful I don't have the same kinds of problems as people who have this affliction. I'm encouraged by their eagerness to getting on with life and living it as "normally" as they can.
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