Archive for December 30th, 2006

Accordion Bus Advertises ... Accordions!

This ad by the Norwegian Accordion Association advertising the World Accordion Championship is just so perfect for those accordion bus (also called articulated bus)!Link...

Guide Horse for the Blind.

The Guide Horse Foundation trains miniature horses to serve as guide horses for the blinds blind people! Link - Thanks Tiffany!...

Typo Lands Tourist in Sidney, Montana, not Sydney, Australia.

A 21-year-old German tourist named Tobi Gutt learned the hard way the cost of a typo: he wanted to go to Sydney, Australia but bought tickets online to Sidney, Montana!Seems Gutt had accidentally typed the wrong name...

How to Tell if Your Neighbor is a Clandestine Drug Lab.

The Abbotsford Police Department has a public service page on its website titled "How to Spot Grow Operations and Clandestine Drug Labs".Here's how to tell if your neighbor is a "farmer":- Rental...

Ghost Riding the Whip.

Ghost Riding the Whip [wiki], or simply ghostin' is a hip-hop car stunt in which the driver gets out of a slowly moving car to dance around and on top of the vehicle.Apparently, it should also be called "thinning th...

Post-It Notes Jaguar.

Someone has waaay too much time on their hands! See the "making" of the Post-It Notes Jaguar: Link [flickr]If you like that, you'd probably like the Post-It Notes Elvis or perhaps the Blue Tape Audi....

Addictive Game: Gateway.

Fans of logic game rejoice! If you like logic games like Samorost, you'll like this game called Gateway. Link - via digg...

Cat Embryo.

We've featured photos from the Eye of Science before, but the website is so gosh darned awesome that we just had to do it again. This photo is of a cat embryo at 2 weeks gestation:The brain (upper right) and the eye...

Family Guy - The Freakin' FCC Song.

p>Ah, here's the funniest song about censorship yet: Hit play or go to Link [YouTube]...

Upgrading the Space Station.

From Astronomy Picture of the Day: The International Space Station (ISS) will be the largest human-made object ever to orbit the Earth. The station is so large that it could not be launched all at once -- it is being...

Ethical Dilemma of Buying Some Common Products.

If you think that buying diamond is an ethical dilemma, read this Foreign Policy article about the ethical issues of several common products. Take for example, chocolate:Beware of: Cocoa powder*...

Fossil Shows Camouflage Is At Least 47 Million Years Old.

A 47-million-years-old fossil of a leaf-imitating insect suggested that camouflage was an ancient and successful evolutionary strategy (that still works even today!):The 2.4-inch-long insect had physical characterist...

Top 100 Sci-Fi Books of All Time.

From Sci-Fi Lists, here's the Top 100 Sci-Fi Books of all time. See if you agree with the top 10 picks:1. Frank Herbert: Dune (1965)2. Orson Scott Card: Ender's Game (1985)3. Isaac Asimov: Foundation (1951)4. Douglas...

Infinite Mario.

There are many Mario "clones" out there, but this one by Markus Persson is very good - since the landscape and maps change with every game play, it's an "infinite" permutation of Mario!Link [requires...

Scott Smith's TEN.

In this 2004 short movie by Scott Smith (one of the finalists of Project Greenlight, an amateur filmmaking contest), this guy breaks every single one of the Ten Commandments (or is it the 7 deadly sins?) in just minutes,...

Stalactite Cave of Sorek.

Located near the Sorek River west of Jerusalem, Sorek Cave is the only showcave in Israel. The photographs on this Russian site show awesome formations that are the result of dripping calcite-rich water in the limeston...

Earth Shapes.

Art for aliens? Some cool pictures from space (or at least way up there). This gives me an added respect for the engineers and architects who designed such layouts.

Mudflap Girl.

Today's Bizarro cartoon by Dan Piraro got me thinkin': who started this whole bit about the mudflap girl? The silhouette of the sexy woman certainly has worked its way from the back of truck's mudflap into our pop cultur...

Parasite Turns Woman into Sex Kittens (and Men Dumb)!

Scientists at the Sydney University of Technology found that Toxoplasma gondii, a common parasite affecting between 30% to 60% of the world's population, may have an unusual effect:"Infected men have lo...

Gorilla Gave Birth after Given Human Fertility Treatment.

Salome, an infertile gorilla at the Bristol Zoo Gardens, UK, who suffered from premature menopause gave birth to a baby gorilla after given human fertility treatment!Following discussions it was decided to lace her y...

China Uses Snakes to Predict Earthquakes.

Scientists in China said that snakes make better earthquake monitors than fancy-pants equipments: Scientists said the serpents can sense a quake from 120km (75 miles) away, up to five days before it happens....

100 Things We Didn't Know Last Year.

Here're an examples from the BBC's list of 100 things we didn't know last year: The lion costume from the Wizard of Oz was actually made from real lions!See 99 more fun facts here:

Stormtroopers March ... the Rose Parade?

This year's Rose Parade will have George Lucas as grand marshal, so naturally, stormtroopers, Royal Guards and other characters will make an appearance: The scene was surreal — the troupe wore blue jeans, cargo...

14 Year-Old Boy Aims to Sail the Atlantic Solo.

Meet Michael Perham, a 14-year-old boy who aims to become the youngest person to sail across the Atlantic by all himself: A 14-year-old boy aims to make history on New Year's Day by becoming the youngest person to sa...

Bert Myers X-ray Photography.

Bert Myers is a retired physician who studied photography under Ansel Adams. As part of his medical research, Bert worked with X-ray machines and started to use X-ray as his art medium of choice.See fantastic X-ray image...

Japanese Swords.

Richard Stein's website has *everything* you'd ever want to know about Japanese Swords, and I mean absolutely everything: - via growabrain...

Photos from Pol Pot's Secret Prison.

From the website:The 114 photographs on this site are from Pol Pot's secret prison, codenamed "S-21" during his genocidal rule (1975-79). Between 1-2 million Cambodians (and many thousands of foreigners) we...

Can Big Brother Hear Me Now?

Surprise! The government can listen to everything you say, even when your cell phone is turned off:A recent court ruling in a case against the Genovese crime family revealed that the FBI has the ability from a remote...

Wash Your Laundry in Cold Water!

This print ad is for Tide Coldwater detergent, and is captioned:If everyone in New York City washed their laundry in cold water for just one day, the energy savings could be 5.7 million kwh. Enough to power every lig...

Giant Ice Shelf Broke Off Canada's Arctic.

A giant ice shelf the size of 11,000 football fields has snapped free from Canada's Arctic: Scientists using satellite images later noticed that it became a newly formed ice island in just an hour and left a trail of...


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