Silent Star Wars.

Star wars, done in silent film format (the editing and visual effect on this is fantastic!) : Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - via

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Yes, I too can understand that it must be close to impossible to pronounce if you're not from Sweden. :)

If you say it as it's meant to be pronounced it would be something like "smee-diggt", but the easier everyday talk version is more like "smeedit" (with the 'g' silent) - a bit easier in other words.

Thanks for the link back to Smidigt! Happy holidays!
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Yeah, I can imagine that's a hard thing to get if you're not used to that sound. Think of it as the word "git" just with a very short "i". So more like "smeedi-git" I guess, just with a short or silent last "i". Swedish is a painful language if you're not born into it :P
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