Baby Born with Heart Outside of Body.


For this week's Cellar IoTD / Neatorama Image of the Day, we have the story of a medical curiosity:

For 33-year-old expectant mother Michelle Hasni, it all started with a her unborn child's incessant hiccups. When her doctor ordered an ultrasound, it was clear that this wasn't a bad case of hiccups - what she felt was the baby's heart beating outside of his body (a rare condition called ectopia cordis, which is usually fatal).

The baby, Naseem Hasni, arrived two weeks early and the doctors operated immediately to put his heart back inside his chest cavity. The baby is doing fine and seems to have beaten the odds - in fact, he may be coming home for Christmas.

Links: Yahoo News | ABC News

Be sure to visit Cellar Image of the Day | Previously on this series: Rupert the Pet Rhino

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Chris--I'm so sorry about your friends, please let them know that they may not know me, but my prayers are with them.

As for the story itself, it doesn't make me sick to see the above picture...if anything, it fascinates me that we have been gifted with the technology to fix such a condition. The sheer amount of kindness and good care little Naseem also recieved isn't to be underestimated, either--nor is the likely fact that Naseem may very well grow up to be a thriving, healthy kid, simply by virtue of being so young. In these respects, it certainly *is* "neat", IMHO.

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Wow, this is tough to see. Recently the two week old baby of a close friend died after heart surgery. Another friend has a child that will likely die in the womb because of a vascular condition. I'm probably letting those events color my feelings about this, but I didn't expect to see something like this on neatorama.
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