Archive for November 18th, 2006

Talking Jesus Dolls.

Beverly Hills Teddy Bear Co. (which is based in Valencia, California, not Beverly Hills) got tired of manufacturing teddy bears, and decided to make talking a foot-tall Jesus and Moses dolls.The company also wanted to do...

Ann P. Smith's Robots from Scrap Parts.

We've featured Ann P. Smith's robots made from scrap parts before, but many of you probably still haven't seen it, check it out: Link - rediscovered via

Mexican Loteria Cards.

SomethingSoWrong has a set of Mexican Loteria cards, which Wikipedia says is like Bingo, but uses images instead of numbers and pinto beans as markers.If you match four pictures in a row, yell out "Loteria!" an...

The 25 top gaming tatoos ever

If you're bored of your body and need some modding, why don't you bring some of that time you spend on videogaming to your new tatoos?

Painter's Tape Blue Audi S4.

What happens when you let your friends drive your Audi S4 from New York to Seattle? First, they have a little fun with those blue painter's tape ... Link - via Fazed...

Andy Warhol's Chairman Mao Set Record Price.

A Hong Kong real-estate tycoon just bought Andy Warhol's portrait of Chairman Mao for a record price of $17.4 million. wonder how mu...

Joseph Barbaccia's Self Portrait in Crayon.

As you can see, Joseph Barbaccia made his self-portrait using thousands of crayons! - via Make...

Spaniard falls 134 stair steps to enter Guinness

A Sevillian called Joaquín Ortega commited the (really, absolutelly, more than) stupid quest of falling 134 steps to enter the Guinnes World Records Book. The stairway was of about 400 steps but he only runed down to...

Crazy! Cat Gave Birth to Puppies?

REUTERS/Edison Vara From the website Cassia Aparecida de Souza, 18, said her cat Mimi had given birth to the three puppies as well as three kittens, which did not survive. And she, her husband Rogerio Jorge da...

A new way to multiply

There are another good tricks, but this is really impressive. I think you're doing the same but with a graphic trick so you don't have to remember the basic results, intead you count the intersections of the drawn lin...

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