
Sweet huh? Seen on River.

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Again with the pigs! I think it's cute. Even if the pig's snout's a little germified, it's good for kids to ingest a little dirt now & again to keep the immune system strong. And the psycho-social benefits of having a healthy, loving relationship with our fellow Earthings are innumerable. Two cautions, though:

#1: Pigs have very sharp teeth. More people are killed by pigs each year in the USA than are killed by sharks worldwide. I'm not sure what prompts pigs to attack, but hopefully that's not a worry in this case.

#2: Tapeworms!
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I saw this on caused a massive commentroversy between those (mostly parents) who went "awwww!" and those (mostly non-parents) who went "EEEEK! That kid's gonna get GERMS!"...

As a parent, I went "awwww!" of course. Kids encounter nastier things in the course of the average day. A pig would actually be an improvement! *LOL*

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