Archive for November 3rd, 2006

Swan in Love

She's big, she's blond, she's heavy-duty plastic. What's not to love? A swan who fell in love with a swan-shaped paddle boat has been moved to a zoo with his plastic lover. Biologists in Muenster, north-west...

Self-destructing Euro Banknotes.

More than 1,000 Euro banknotes of denominations varying from 5 to 100 have been disintegrating in Germany since this June. Deutsche Bank has ruled out printing errors on those affected notes. But it suspects that the...

The John Kerry "Stuck in Iraq" Flap.

A political cartoon by Steve Sack of the Minneapolis Star Tribune.A political cartoon by Nick Anderson of the Houston Chronicle.This is what John Kerry said:"You know, education, if you make the most of it, if y...

Calf with Extra Leg on Back.

This 17-year day old calf in Lianyungang, China, growed grew a fifth leg on its back!Link...

John Farr's Skeleton Bike.

Simply the most AWESOME chopper you'll see today! Link - via Presurfer....

Night View of Western Japan.

Fantastic sets of panoramic night time photos of various cities in western Japan: Link - via Look At This ......

SciFi Tech's List of Weird Gadgets.

SciFi Tech has this top 10 list of the weirdest gadgets found in the back of magazines.This one is the smoke ring gun a new zero blaster. Awesome!LinkList...

Pumpkin Fairy Visited Boone, Co.

From the website:There is no description of the suspect or the getaway car, and no motive, unless it's generosity.All that is known is this: Sometime overnight Monday, after Larry Taylor had walked his dogs...

Jackson Pollock's Painting Sold for $140 Million?

Rumor is, a painting by Jackson "Jack the Dripper" Pollock called "No. 5, 1948" is now the most expensive painting in the world: sold to a whopping $140 million.

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