Segway + Seat = SegSeat.

As if it's not bad enough that you can avoid the exercise of walking by riding a segway, now you can sit down while zooming around too!


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I am in my late 70's. I like and need the Segseat from my apartment to the garage. Will I break my neck 'learning' how to use it? Can I then store it in m y trunk and drive away? Much thanks for help. JM
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Dear Neatorama,

When my legs give out, as they do with increasing frequency, and the ALS that is slowly killing me has robbed me of the upper body strength to pull myself up, am I, in your less-than-humble opinion, avoiding "the exercise of walking by riding a segway," now that I "can sit down while zooming around too?" Maybe I should just crouch in a corner and gnaw on some crusts. I have two Segways.
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If you check the website, the manufacturer's target market are for people with walking disabilities. Not everyone is as fortunate as the rest of us who take for granted the ability to just pop up off our chairs and walk or run from point A to points B-Z.
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