Grancrete: Sprayable Concrete.

Grancrete: a new spray-on concrete that can revolutionize homebuilding, especially for low-income housing worldwide.

It only takes 1 day for a 5 man crew to build 2 complete grancrete home, versus 2 weeks for a 20 men crew to build a single conventional house.

Popular Science blurb | Company website (don't miss the video)

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I have worked extensivley with grancrete in exterior installations. My background is in stucco systems. What I have found is the product doesn't fully live up to it's claimes. we have had problems with cracking, color fadeing and delamination. I feel there needs to be more true testing in different enviorments (not a lab). We have also encountered problems with Grancrete standing behind the product the way we feel they should. I have a 13,000 sq. ft. project that is half finished and is stalled until spring in hopes that Grancrete can figure things out. Even with the problems my self and the homeowners hope to be able to continue to work with Grancrete but if we can't get answers form them on why we are haveing the problems we will be forced to go back to synthetic or conventional stucco. we have been consulting grancrete before and during the project to apply the material the way they suggest.
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This stuff sounds great. As I've been a concrete finisher most of my life I can appreciate the benifits of fast dry/curing time and the high strength. Years ago I was involved with Ferocement boat building in Vancouver BC. Not many ferrocement hulls survive in the salt-chuk, the salt and the cold temps caused cracking along the waterline. I would like to know how this product would hold up under those circumstances.
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This is very interesting. The old methods of spraying concrete materials have just been outmoded.

It says the stuff can be mixed with ocean beach sand. In the past, salt in any mix ruined the outcome.

This may bring about a resurgence in cement hull boat building. Imagine being able to build your boat, barge or floating dock on the beach, then simply dragging it to the water...
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Gunite and shotcrete, the two other spray concrete applications that have been around for a long time, are used with rebar (as far as I know) - Grancrete uses foam panel instead.

Another interesting features its that grancrete adheres to grancrete. Regular concrete doesn't stick to concrete.
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