People Who Memorize Pi.

Daniel Tammet set the European and British record by reciting Pi to 22,514 decimal places in just a little over 5 hours.

The record-breaking bid was dubbed 'Pi in the Sky' by its brainchild Daniel, whose astonishing mental skills include the ability to 'see' numbers in his head. These abilities first emerged following epileptic seizures as a toddler. Daniel is one of only 25 documented 'savants' in the world according to eminent US psychiatrist Dr Darold Treffert who is the world's leading expert in Savant Syndrome and was a consultant to the movie Rain Man in which Dustin Hoffman plays an autistic savant.

If that's not strange enough, consider this:

- Matt Bergsten recited 9,778 digits in 1 hour 20 minutes while juggling 3 balls. - Hiroyuki Goto recited Pi from memory to 42,195 decimal places, setting the world record. - That record may already have been broken by Akira Haraguchi who supposedly recited pi from memory to 83,431 decimal places. - And that there's even a Pi World Ranking List in the first place!


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Hi, I have read Daniels book, and I am now myself trying to memorize 10,000 digits of Pi.

I write about my method and progress in my blog
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