Zeon Santos's Blog Posts

Wacky Gardening Hacks That Actually Work

Gardening hack roundups are often full of untested tips that don't work at all or promise results that are impossible to measure, and yet we keep seraching because they're one of the most useful categories of household tips.

Rodale's Organic Life has gathered a collection of wacky gardening hacks that actually work, which is full of great ideas like using coffee filters inside pots when you plan on replanting and using old plastic milk jugs as an upcycled herb garden.

And what's going on at the top of the post? They're using pantyhose as slings for the melons they're growing on their trellis, so they don't break off prematurely. Gardening genius!

See 10 Wacky Gardening Hacks From The Internet That Actually Work here

A Wes Anderson-Inspired Tourism Campaign For The Latvian Capital Of Riga

Whenever a director establishes their signature style other directors are bound to copy it, either because they're hacks or because they want to channel that director's iconic style into their own film.

The folks from ad agency DDB who created the Wes Anderson-inspired tourism campaign for Latvia's capital city Riga clearly wanted to add a bit of Wes' signature symmetry and cool use of color to their production.

(YouTube Link)

They also must have chosen Wes Anderson as their muse because Latvia looks like the setting of one of Wes' films, and the Latvians who star in these fun ads don't have to pretend to be quirky characters- because they're not acting.

(YouTube Link)

So far there are videos for five characters- the Taxi Driver, the Senior, the Priest, the Blogger and the Teacher, five colorful characters meant to symbolize the fact that you can "Be anything in Riga!"

(YouTube Link)

-Via DesignTAXI

Dad Creates Wooden Sculpture Of His Son Wearing His Favorite Darth Vader Mask

Parents can go crazy making stuff for their kids, stuff that will most likely end up stashed in a box in the garage, but when sculptor Dan Lefebvre goes crazy making stuff for his son his creations end up proudly displayed.

Dan's version of going crazy involves chopping, carving and chiseling a massive chunk of red cedar into a realistic wooden sculpture that looks just like his son wearing a Darth Vader mask.

It's really interesting to see how Dan took a daunting chunk of cedar log and shaped it to look like his son in stages, and his attention to detail definitely adds visual interest to the figure's realistic pose.

I wonder how his son feels about having to hang out with a wooden version of himself?

-Via Bored Panda

Unforgettable Video Game Moments

Video games are often far more memorable than other visual media because players interact with and affect the story, giving them a sense of satisfaction no movie or TV show can replicate.

(YouTube Link)

This interactivity also helps imprint those memorable moments in our minds, making sure gamers will never forget the first time they stepped out of the Vault in Fallout 3 or when they rode into Mexico after an intense river battle in Red Dead: Redemption.

(YouTube Link)

And who can forget when Ellie and Joel came across a herd of giraffes in that otherwise grim and dismal game The Last Of Us?

(YouTube Link)

See 15 Video Game Moments That Stuck With Gamers Forever here

Weird Simpsons VHS

The Simpsons and weird go together like Bart and crime or Krusty the Klown and heart surgery, and while the show has gone to some weird places fans have managed to top the writers by a mile with their creations.

The opening title sequence is by far the most popular part of the show to recreate, but animator Yoann Hervo didn't just recreate the intro- he reconfigured its chromosomes and created a mutant called WEIRD SIMPSONS VHS.

(YouTube Link)

-Via Art of the Title

Stock Tank Pools Are Coming To A Backyard Near You This Summer

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Above ground pools are a great way to beat the heat and they give you a cool place to hang during those long summer days, but most above ground pools look pretty crappy compared to these shiny stock tank pools.

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It's the pool trend you're sure to see in backyards across America this summer, whether set up neatly on the patio like the photos above or just placed out back like a "hillbilly swimming pool".

And if you really dig your stock tank pool then why not dig out a space for it and integrate it into your deck? This will help keep it cool and make it look even cooler!

Pool is open for business #stocktank #stocktankpool #coolingpool #cocktailtime

A post shared by justAmom (@justamom5) on Jun 15, 2016 at 1:52pm PDT

-Via Good Housekeeping

The Script For Ghostbusters Rewritten As Shakespearean Prose

Ghostbusters is a timeless film in the sense that people are going to enjoy watching it forever, but it will also forever be associated with the 1980s, so in that sense Ghostbusters is timelessly 80s.

But is the tale of four guys who use science to bust the supernatural timeless enough to translate into Shakespearean speak without missing a beat?

Artist and writer of geeky adaptations Jordan Monsell seems to think so, and his new book Ministers Of Grace: The Unauthorized Shakespearean Parody Of Ghostbusters channels The Bard for those who were bored while reading Hamlet or MacBeth.

Here's a taste:

I humbly thank thee gentles for thy speed. Our guests grow anxious by the hour and start To question me for reasons have I none.
Hath it appeared ere now?
The eldest servants know of higher floor The strange impatience, I do mean to say Though stirred it not these past five moons till late. And ne’re did carry on as violently.
Did’st thou make report to any soul?
Nay! Good heavens! We do not speak of it. I wish it were removed before the dawn.
Verily. Now peace good sir. Custom hath made it in we a property of easiness.
What be you, a Muscovite?
Nay, we be extirpators. A rat a man did see on floors above and called upon us.
An unholy size this rat must be.
‘Twould take this from this, sirrah.
Wilt thou follow?
I’d rather keep my head to chew and swallow.
It hath occurred to me of late that a successful trial of our weapons have we not.
I do accuse myself.
As do I.
The fault, dear Egon, is not in our stars but in ourselves, that we are underlings.
Wherefore be troubled? For upon our backs have we unlicensed boxes of rough magic.
Agreed. Are we content?
EGON charges RAY’s pack, then backs away.

-Via GeekTyrant

Raw Portraits Of The Transient Kids Who Ride The Rails

Hopping a ride aboard trains and traveling across America used to be associated with tramps and hobos, but these days the transient kids who ride the rails look more like Sid Vicious or Trent Reznor rather than Emmett Kelly.

The members of these train riding transient tribes look like characters from a Mad Max movie but live like travelers would have in the early 20th century, unchained and constantly rolling on down the line.

Photographer Michael Joseph has been shooting portraits of travelers since 2011, meeting up with them in cities across the U.S. to take their picture while they're still raw from the road:

"Reminiscent of the children of the 1930s Dust Bowl era blended with roots in the squatter punk subculture, these kids leave home to find a better life, and sometimes work," Joseph writes in an essay accompanying the series. "Some have no choice to run away from an intolerable family situation," while others willingly leave supportive environments in search of themselves or their tribe.

Unlike many photographs made about this community, Joseph's work is not documentary. He shoots his subjects against nondescript walls where he first meets them — depicting his always-moving subjects in moments of stillness. By eliminating geographical context, "attention is focused on the person, rather than place, because their environment could be any place at any time."

See more Raw Portraits Of The Transient Kids Who Travel America's Trains here

This Is What Happens When You Shop Online While Drunk

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Drinking and shopping simply do not mix, and even rich folks sometimes find themselves in dire straits financially after buying some crazy expensive stuff while intoxicated.

But do you really have to be drunk to want a radical Cat In Space shower curtain?

Okay, maybe a little, and you'd pretty much have to be plastered to order 8 pounds of cereal marshmallows, even though your cereal lovin' sober self will thank you later.

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Now how drunk do you have to be to buy a Dadbod Beach Towel? Don't answer that, because I kinda want one...

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But the person who got drunk and bought themselves a Freddy Mercury collector's plate is the grand prize winner for "drunk purchase most likely to blow your mind when you open the box". Plus, it's a collector's item!

(Image Link)

See 10+ Times People Shopped Online While Drunk And Regretted It Deeply here

House Listing Attracts Attention Because Of Bizarre Buyer Requirement

Some houses have a strange history that makes them hard to sell- especially if the realtor is honest about the strangeness in their listing.

This house in Cayce, South Carolina is being sold for a mere $155k, but it comes with one really odd catch- the buyer can't ask about the person in the attic.

The original Zillow listing was edited because of the unwanted attention it received online, but here's how it originally read:

Please read carefully before scheduling showings. May not qualify for financing. Great "diamond in the rough" investment property or primary home needing separate apartments. Little is known about condition except that property has active roof leaks. Property is being sold "as-is" with no repairs, no clean-up, and no warranties expressed or implied. Upstairs apartment cannot be shown under any circumstances. Buyer assumes responsibility for the month-to-month tenancy in the upstairs apartment. Occupant has never paid, and no security deposit is being held, but there is a lease in place. (Yes, it does not make sense, please don't bother asking.)

UPI dug a bit further and found a different listing that stated "Upstairs apartment is occupied by professional artist", which makes a bit more sense than "please don't bother asking".

But who in their right mind is going to buy a house with a creepy tenant lurking in the attic?

-Via Distractify

The Mystery Of The Dog Suicide Bridge

There is some scientific evidence that shows dogs may suffer from depression just like humans, but can we really tell if a dog willingly committed suicide?

Regardless of which side of the road you stand on regarding doggy suicide consider this- there's a bridge in Scotland dubbed "Dog's Suicide Bridge" because more than fifty dogs have leapt off the bridge and died in the last 50 years.

One particular section of the Overtoun Bridge near Dumbarton seems to have a strange effect on dogs of a certain breed, causing them to heedlessly leap off the side and "commit suicide":

All of the deaths occurred at the very same spot on the right-hand side of the bridge. All of the dogs who died were long muzzle breeds like Collie, Labrador, or Greyhound. All of the deaths took place on bright, clear days.

Over six months in 2005, five dogs leaped to their deaths. One bereaved owner, Donna Cooper was out walking with her family when her dog, Ben jumped over the parapet and fell fifty feet onto the rocks below.

Some people think the bridge is haunted by an evil spirit, others think it's situated in a "thin place" where our world meets with the "Otherside" so dogs are trying to leap into this other world.

But animal behaviorist Dr. David Sands has posited the most popular theory- their leaping over the side because they smell mink:

Sands uncovered the most likely explanation for the dog deaths is the onset of mink farming in the area, which started fifty years ago:

Evidence of mink was confirmed in the area not only by a naturalist, who spotted droppings beneath the bridge, but also by [an angler], who explained that the top hill quarry had lakes that contained trout (perfect mink diet).

The intense scent of mink aroused each dog’s curiosity, leading to their fatal leap of faith.

(YouTube Link)

Read The Mystery Of The Dog Suicide Bridge here

Customers Share The Most Blatant Lie A Salesperson Ever Told Them

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Working on commission turns some salespeople into cutthroat, greedy liars who only care about pushing product and increasing their salary, which typically ends up biting them in the butt in the end.

8/30. I once asked a car salesman if the car I just test drove came with a warranty. He picked up the phone on his desk, pushed some buttons and said, "Hey, does that one come with a warranty? OK, cool, thanks." He then hung up, turned to me and said "Yeah, it comes with a warranty." His phone was unplugged.


The former salespeople I know who couldn't "get with the program" said they went home feeling dirty every day, and quit because their integrity was worth more than their salary.

6/30. Not me, but my mom. One morning when I was still sleeping, her iPhone updated and was on the 'Hello' screen. She doesn't know much about technology, so she thought it was broken and brought it to the AT&T store. They told her it WAS broken and convinced her to get a new phone and start a new contract.

When I found out, I was pissed. I turned her phone on and it worked! We went back up there and I spoke to the manager and told him what happened... He said we'd have to pay a restocking fee. He didn't care at all and chalked it up to being just a misunderstanding. We ended up filing a complaint with corporate to get it refunded.


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It's not always easy to tell when a salesperson is full of crap, but when the guy at the game store starts talking about the US government cracking down on games you know he's bananas.

25/30. Several years ago, I went to Gamestop to buy a DS game (Mario vs Donkey Kong 2, if you're wondering) and while he's in the process of ringing me up, he starts the whole "Would you like to preorder so-and-so (I can't remember what game it was)?" pitch.

I tell him no thanks, and I'd just like my game and I'll be on my way.

But then he says something absolutely ridiculous.

"Well, I'm sure you're going to want that game, since it's the hottest new title coming out this year, and you'll definitely want to preorder it! See, the US government is cracking down on video games and starting in a few weeks, if you don't preorder your games, you won't be able to buy them because we won't be allowed to sell them off the shelves!"

I laughed at him and walked out.


Read Horrified Customers Share The Most Blatant Lie A Salesperson Has Told Them When Trying To Make A Sale here

Illustrator Draws Unique Portraits Of People In Exchange For Their Secrets

“I wish I could be like my boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend. She’s very beautiful and confident. Unlike me, jealous and insecure.”

When people visit caricature or portrait artists they're usually expected to pay a the asking cost plus a tip if they like what the artist has done, but illustrator Terence Eduarte is asking for much more than a tip.

“My daughter doesn’t know that her lost cat is home. He is buried in our backyard.”

The Manila-based art director creates a cool portrait of the subject, drawn from an interesting perspective, in exchange for the subject's juiciest secret.

Terence promises not to reveal the identities of the people who posed for his '100 Days Of Secrets' project, but he did reveal the secret behind each piece, so we can get an idea of each character's backstory.

“I dated my professor back in college. I was 23, she was 37.”

-Via DesignTAXI

A-Ha's Music Video For Take On Me Seems Way Sketchier Without Music

A-ha's iconic music video for Take On Me features a sketchy fellow making the transition from his comic book world to the real one, and when the story unfolds to the music it seems like a pretty normal romantic fantasy.

(YouTube Link)

But Mario Wienerroither of Musicless Music Videos discovered that taking away the music for Take On Me and dubbing in reaction sounds makes the edit feel far sketchier than the original video.

(YouTube Link)

-Via Laughing Squid

Talented Woman Turns Thousands Of Starburst Wrappers Into A Delicious Dress

That old saying "turning trash into treasure" is usually used quite loosely, because the people who say that are usually doing something like refinishing furniture or renovating a house.

But crafty seamstress Emily Seilhamer wanted to see if she could literally turn trash into treasure so she collected over ten thousand Starburst wrappers and turned them into a sweet dress.

Here's how Emily created her kooky and colorful Starburst dress:

I’ve been saving Starburst wrappers diligently (with the help of friends and family) for 4 years to create this dress. After enough were saved I organized them into colors, ironed them, folded them into links, and made candy wrapper chains.

With the use of elastic thread, I was able to sew the links together into a “fabric” to create the dress. My husband and I met when he offered me a pack of Starburst a few years before the project started. As his favorite candy he began to save grocery bags full of wrappers for me… The dress had a nice spot next to the gift table at our wedding almost 2 years ago!

First wallpaper and now Starburst wrappers- what can't Emily turn into an awesome dress?!

-Via Bored Panda

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