Zeon Santos's Liked Blog Posts

The Most Popular Halloween Costume From The Year You Were Born

Yearly Halloween costume trends are nothing new, and as soon as Halloween went commercial every costume company began creating masks and costumes based on popular pop culture characters and celebrities.

By the 1960s Halloween had become a big business, with new costumes created yearly to match the current pop culture trends, and from then on it was almost guaranteed the most popular costume of each year would be inspired by pop culture.

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In 1968 the kiddos were going crazy for Casper the Friendly Ghost, so Collegeville Costumes made their spooky dreams come true with this cheap costume every kid could afford.

During the 70s the girls were going gaga for Jan Brady, Princess Leia and Daisy Buchanan from The Great Gatsby, while the boys were punch drunk for Rocky Balboa, caught Saturday Night Fever and adored everything about Star Wars.

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The Radical 80s were ruled by Madonna, Jem, Marty McFly and the Ghostbusters, who were the top costume of 1984 and are still one of the most popular Halloween costumes of all time because it's easy to DIY.

The 90s were ruled by the TMNT and Batman for boys, while girls were diggin' the Spice Girls, Catwoman and Morticia Addams, which was also a popular costume for girls in the 1960s thanks to this Ben Cooper costume.

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See The Halloween Costume Everyone Was Wearing The Year You Were Born here

A Game About Deciding What Is (And Is Not) Soup

Have you ever struggled to tell whether warm fluid in a bowl is soup or some other liquid dish? Perhaps you were wondering whether bisque is a soup or not, or whether a really runny stew qualifies as a soup?

Bisque is soup but classifying runny stew is totally up to you, and deciding whether something is soup or not will only ever come in handy when you play Something Something Soup Something, a free browser game by Italian philosopher and game designer Stefano Gualeni.

In Something Something Soup Something the players are tasked with figuring out whether a bowl of random stuff deserves to be called soup:

It takes place in a future where humans have mastered the science of teleportation. Instead of using it to eliminate scarcity or instantly transport Martin Shkreli to a distant black hole, they’ve taken to teleporting goods produced by underpaid aliens from distant planets. Goods like soup.
Problem is, aliens don’t have the best grip on how human digestive systems work, and the concept of “soup” isn’t really a thing in their society. You play as a certified human Soup Technician, and it’s up to you to figure out which dishes they send over do and do not constitute soup.

-Via Kotaku

73 Questions With Helga

The Vogue video series 73 Questions asks celebrities three more than seventy questions about "what they like, what they hate and, most importantly, what they know", all filmed in a single shot.

The series has proven to be far more insightful and fun to watch than expected, but they must have shot at least a few episodes that never made it online because they featured famous people acting all bats#%t crazy.

I imagine those cutting room floor episodes look something like Liza Koshy's parody video "73 Questions with Helga", only a bit less staged.

(YouTube Link)

-Via Buzz Anything

Rare Concert Photos Of Iggy Pop, Blondie, Talking Heads And More From The Smithsonian's New Collection

Talking Heads at the Keystone, Berkeley, CA, December 9, 1977. Photo Hugh Brown /Smithsonian Books

Listening to an album from bands like Blondie, Iggy and the Stooges or The Clash simply cannot compare to seeing them live, because these bands put on a stage show that's even more exciting than their music.

And while seeing a photograph of a band performing live still doesn't compare to the real deal you can throw on one of their records and stare at the photos and pretend you're actually there seeing them live.

Blondie at CBGB, New York City, 1976. Photo Roberta Bayley /Smithsonian Books

This is what I used to call the "living room venue" experience whenever I couldn't afford to go to a show, and before we all had smartphones in our pockets we could use to record the show this somehow lessened the heartbreak.

Iggy Pop at the Whisky a Go Go, West Hollywood, CA, July 1974. Photo James Fortune /Smithsonian Books

So if you're a fellow living room venue enthusiast you're gonna dig the collection of rare concert photos found in the Smithsonian's new book  Smithsonian Rock and Roll: Live and Unseen:

In December 2015, the Smithsonian Institution began an ambitious crowdsourced history of rock ’n’ roll photography, calling on music fans to contribute their amateur and pro photos, launching the web site rockandroll.si.edu as a one-stop for accepting and displaying shooters’ submissions.

The book is a pretty great cull of the best the collection had to offer, full of photos rarely or never seen by the public, chronologically arranged, and dating back to the dawn of the rock era. Some of them are real jaw-droppers, like the concert shot of Richie Valens taken hours before his death, Otis Redding drenched in sweat at the Whiskey a Go Go, Sly Stone looking like a goddamn superhero at the Aragon Ballroom in 1974.

Bill Lordan and Sly Stone at Balboa Stadium, San Diego, September 7, 1974. Photo Gary Kieth Morgan /Smithsonian Books

See more of these rare concert photos at Dangerous Minds

Funny Halloween Costume Ideas For Best Friends

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Teaming up with a buddy on Halloween is not only advisable- it's a great way to motivate each other to get dressed up, leave the house and have fun being someone, or something, else for a night.

And there's just something about people who wear matching costumes on Halloween that either warms my heart or annoys the hell out of me.

WILLLLLSSSSSOOOOONNNNNNN #castaway #tomhanksormarissaidk #happyhalloween #baeday

A post shared by Marissa Reinert (@mlreinert24) on Oct 31, 2015 at 9:54pm PDT

Costume pairings done to death include PB & J, Thing 1 & Thing 2 and Bacon & Eggs, so do dress up with your best friend this Halloween but don't be annoying about it- be super cool by dressing up as Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy.

Don't even ask how we got the Invisible boat mobile in the house #mermaidmanandbarnacleboy

A post shared by Sophie Marcolla (@sophiamarcolla) on Nov 1, 2015 at 10:13am PST

If Nicktoons ain't your cuppa tea then go classic and dress as Lucy and Ethel or Ricky and Fred, or you and your BFF can capture a more cinematic vibe by dressing up as the cast of Castaway. And if all else fails you can get punny and go as a pair of Candy Rappers. Or not...

HAPPY HALLOWEEN from 2 candy rappers!!! #Halloween #punnycostumes

A post shared by Madeline Keller (@madelineckeller) on Oct 31, 2014 at 9:43pm PDT

See 15 Hilarious Halloween Costumes For BFFs here

Sometimes To Live A Normal Life You Have To Step Out Of Bounds

Flushing dead pet fish down the toilet has always seemed like a cold-hearted way to send that little fishy off to its aquatic afterlife, but that's not to say everyone who flushes a dead fish is a mean person.

Some just enjoy the ritual and the closure it provides, especially if they're like the young man in this animated short and a fish named Paul was their only friend, a friend who had died 178 times before.

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Out Of Bounds is an animated short from The Animation Workshop in Denmark about an extraordinary man who is often stuck indoors staring at a fish, until a new human friend lets herself in.

Mall Stores From The 90s We Loved But Never Really Bought Anything From

The 1990s were the highest and lowest point for American shopping malls, and by the end of the 90s many stores we knew and liked had closed up shop for good in malls across the U.S., leaving us looking for new places to loiter.

Kay*Bee Toys was a great place to kill time, since the clerks didn't seem to care when we had Nerf gun fights in the aisles even though we didn't buy anything, and as much reading as I did there I don't think I ever bought a book from Waldenbooks.

Maybe that's why these stores disappeared- their prices kept people from buying much, but they were in the mall so they were open to browsing, which made people buy less.

Why would people buy stuff from a mall store like Sam Goody that wanted $18.99 or more for a CD when they could buy their music in a non-mall store like Tower Records for less? Now that's a store I really miss!

See 10 Stores From The 90s We Loved But Never Actually Bought Something From here

Cringeworthy Stories Posted Online That Clearly Didn't Really Happen At All

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It used to be that only drunks in bars and kids in schoolyards told boldfaced lies for sport, and even though they'd get called out for being liars they would always return with a fresh batch of tales too crazy to be true.

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But nowadays liars get to tell their tales to a global audience via social media, and unless one of their friends or family members comments about the falsehood of their claims they may actually convince people the story is true.

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Never mind, boldfaced lies sound just as ridiculously untrue when you read them on your screen as they do when you hear them in person, and yet social media is teeming with tales of amazing neckbeards doing incredible things.

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See 18 Cringeworthy Stories That Just Didn't Happen At All here (NSFW language)

Goku Vs. Super Heroes

To call Goku a superhero would be an insult because he's so much more than that- he's a Saiyan with god-like physical abilities and a power level that measures over 9000, so mere superheroes wouldn't stand a chance against him.

And yet most comic book fans won't accept the fact that their favorite superfolks would get owned by Goku until they see it for themselves, so let's see it play out Street Fighter style in this short by GamebillStudio.

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-Via Geeks Are Sexy

The Ethics Of Photographing Those Who Don't Want To Be Photographed

I always feel weird about taking pictures of people who don't want to be photographed, but journalistic photography often requires the shooter to capture everything and everyone in the scene, so subjects who don't want their face on film end up in the picture anyway.

And yet, as Simon Sharp points out in this article there must be a limit to who and what we photograph, even in a journalistic capacity, or else our photos will just come off as cruel.

He uses photos taken by award winning photojournalist Bulent Kilic, including the photo at the top of the post entitled “A Syrian Kurdish woman and her baby on Thursday in the Rojava refugee camp” to make his point:

This is an encounter in which a woman is in the simplest possible way indicating with what power she has left the message ‘please do not photograph me’. Therefore, meaning wise this image equals nothing as even without an identity or name to attach to it the subject or context of a strong photograph in its essence communicates the soul & voice of that subject. Unfortunately those human traits are impossible to communicate if the subject in the image is unwilling as above and is thus objectified into a soulless commodity along with her child.

Taking pictures of vulnerable people is and of itself not a crime morally or any other way. However, shooting vulnerable people who do not wish to be a part of the western news reel if they’re ‘lucky’ enough to be fashionable enough for our consumption at that particular moment is wrong. And to all those that republished and promoted the shot they are simply not visually literate, morally imbalanced, ignorant, arrogant or all.

I understand freelancers have got to survive and in order to survive they have to create content but where is the line between the commodification of suffering and telling stories ? And how do such images get through an editor’s supposedly learned gaze and get showcased to the world as somehow informative and beneficial of the people concerned within them ?

-Via Fstoppers

Shiba Inu Becomes Confused When Her Toy Barks Back At Her

Some dogs simply adore their toys, dragging them around the house and cuddling up with them in their beds, but as a rule dogs don't dig toys that bark back at them.

So be forewarned-giving a dog a toy that makes noises and moves on its own can lead to confusion, anger and some very precious moments, so you'd better have your camera ready just in case.

Japanese Twitter user @daifuku_channel shared this adorable video featuring a Shiba Inu who has a hilarious reaction when her toy barks back at her. She can't decide whether she hates the toy or loves it!

-Via Laughing Squid

Hilarious Memes For The Mathematically Minded

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There's definitely something for everyone on the internet in terms of humor, and the days of people with a nerdy sense of humor struggling to find stuff to LOL at are long gone thanks to the endless stream of cutting edge comedy online.

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As you know the memes reign supreme online, and they're so easy to create people keep churning out memes to suit their very particular sense of humor, creating smart comedy for a niche crowd.

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And as you can see internet humor doesn't get much more niche than math memes, featuring jokes with punchlines only the mathematically minded can truly appreciate. Can somebody please explain why this is funny?

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See 16 Nerds Who Turned Math Into Memes here

Brave Australian Woman Hoists Shark Out Of Pool And Returns It To The Ocean

The more time you spend around sharks the less they seem like mindless eating machines, and people who actually get to like sharks will go out of their way to save a shark's life whenever possible.

But you've gotta be mighty brave, and very comfortable with sharks, to grab one with your bare hands and hoist it out of the water, even if it is just a little ankle biter.

The lady in this clip went for a dip in a Cronulla rock pool in Sydney and found a shark swimming around in there, but instead of letting it ruin her good time she earned the nickname "Shark Lady"- by grabbing the little biter, hoisting it out of the water and tossing it back into the ocean.

Now Shark Lady is an internet hero and a symbol of how Australians coexist with nature. Good on ya Shark Lady!

-Via Guacamoley

Photographer Shoots The Same People Going To Work Over 9 Year Period

Work in the same area for years and you're bound to see the same faces during your daily commute, especially if you work a 9 to 5 job in a big city.

And even though you may exchange little more than a nod and a "good morning" with these people their faces become very familiar, almost as familiar as those of your friends and family because you see your fellow workers every day.

Danish photographer Peter Funch visited the corner of 42nd Street and Vanderbilt in NYC between the hours of 8:30 and 9:30 a.m. on weekdays from 2007 to 2016 and noticed one consistent thing- the same people going to work each day.

Some of these 9 to 5ers were so consistent they actually wore the same outfits, hair styles and walked next to the same people over the 9 year period, becoming the symbols of consistency in the workplace.

See more from This Photographer Shot The Same Strangers Going To Work Over 9 Years here

Classic Hanna-Barbera Cartoon Sound Effects

Watch any of the old Hanna-Barbera cartoons with the sound turned off and those wacky shows will be far less entertaining, and not just because the characters seem extra flat without their dialog and catchphrases.

No, the main thing you'll be missing are those zany sound effects, the sound of animated hilarity that takes you back to those formative years when cartoons became a big part of your life, or maybe it's just me.

Former Hanna-Barbera sound editor Paul Douglas made some interesting picks for his top 10 sound effects list, like Muttley biting Dick Dastardly on the butt and El Kabong's guitar hit, and these iconic sounds will take you back, way, way back.

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For some reason Paul's top ten sound effects list didn't include that iconic scrabbling sound Hanna-Barbera cartoons made whenever they ran, so here it is. I wish I could make noises like that when I run...

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-Via Boing Boing

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