Fata Morgana's Liked Comments

When you said "special snowflake" I assumed you met the prof. Can you guess what would happen if I used profanity at my job? Especially derogatory terms for other people that are not me? I wouldn't be patted on the head for being original, I can tell you that much.
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Based on the synopsis, it doesn't sound like she had a problem with his interests, but with the fact that he wasn't paying any attention to her. As a geek girl myself, I have to say it doesn't matter how amazing a guy's game room is, if he cares more about it than he does about me.
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I find this post very confusing! The link you have to "HuffPo" to see the trailer is in fact an article on screenrant.com saying that a Spanish adaptation most likely will not be made because no agreement had been reached with Univision! And no trailer to be found. I think your story needs some editing. :D
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I think the banality of the lyrics helps emphasize the desert description. If you're describing a jungle you want lush verbiage, if you're describing a desert, making the words as dry and plain as possible helps.
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While I don't personally believe that animals should have the same rights as humans, I also find it more than a little disturbing that the idea that the original owner should be the one to decide when the animal should die, regardless of health status, is apparently considered normal by a lot of people.

Based on the article, the maid who brought him the dog (and didn't tell him she was only a maid and not the dog's owner) was happy the dog could be saved (she was the dog's primary caregiver), and understood completely that the money the family was giving him would go towards the dog's medical care instead. It was essentially the maid that lied in order to save the dog when the family didn't want to, and I'm on her side, that family was cold as ice.
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If we classify it as a disease, then we should treat it the same as other diseases. Which is to say, when someone has cancer we don't tell them to stop being lazy and start eating right and exercising to get rid of that cancer, we give them medicines or surgery to cure or at least stop the cancer. If obesity is a disease, then doctors should stop blaming the disease on the patient. Especially since we have the hard scientific evidence that no one who loses weight ever keeps it off for the long term except through surgery.
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The great thing about the final line of the article - ''It may be Disney,'' Runge explained. ''But it still smells 'pervert' to me.'' - is that the "pervert" in this case is Runge (and anyone else who believed that the vague things they were hearing were automatically smut, no questions asked.

I mean don't get me wrong, Disney does some questionable and awful things (changing Merida's look to something more sexualized in order to merchandise her as a princess, for example), but putting a microscope to each frame of a Disney film in order to find phantom boners says a lot more about the person holding the microscope.
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I'm pleased by the fact that many Miyazaki movies pass this test. Nausicaa, Princess Mononoke, My Neighbor Totoro, Ponyo, Kiki's Delivery Service, Castle in the Sky. All these films by a Japanese filmmaker who is known world-wide but is particularly famous in his home country, where his films routinely break money-making records. Japan, a supposedly male-dominated society.

I think it's idiocy and fear that has Hollywood making these same male-dominated films year after year. Hollywood execs really have no clue that they can cash in on women's interests in entertainment just as easily as they cash in on men's, if they'd take their heads out of their asses.
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  • Member Since 2012/08/04



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