Modern Fashion: Padlocked Teeth

(Photo: Jennifer S. Altman/New York Times)

First, you'll need a custom dental appliance called a grille. This particular one looks like your teeth are secured by a padlock. Then, pull a stocking over your head. Finally, place a look of resigned horror upon your face as you realize where your life choices have led you.

Got it? Then you have look of fashion designer Shayne Oliver's "Daddy" line. Michael Schneier of the New York Times saw it at this year's New York Fashion Week. He describes it:

They commissioned custom grilles to look like orthodontic braces; threaded them through with padlocks and piercing-parlor barbells; and covered the models’ heads, faces and hair with shimmering stockings. (In some cases, facial hair or tufted eyebrows were drawn or glued on top.)

-via American Digest

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