What's Your State Burger?

Like most things, America's taste in cheeseburgers varies by state. This cool breakdown of the different burgers from different states provides a fascinating look at the burgers popular in other regions while allowing you to feel solidarity with your local burger lovers.

On behalf of all the Californians, let me say "go Animal Style In-N-Out burgers!"


Ed Walker's is in my hometown! Yay! I didn't see it mentioned in the article, but Ed Walker's other local claim to fame besides the gigantic burger and the terrific French Dip is that it's the only restaurant in the state with curbside beer. You just flash your lights and the waitress will happily bring you a beer right to your car. Arkansas has some seriously strict alcohol laws (we still have dry counties, no alcohol on Sunday,etc.), but Ed Walker's has been running continuously in the same location under the same license so incredibly long that its license to sell drive-in curbside beer right in your car is still grand-fathered in from back in the day before drinking in the car was seen as a pretty well universal no-no. You can sit in your car and have a gigantic burger and wash it down with an ice cold brew. :)
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They got the burger right for New Mexico. But the place to get it wrong. You either get it at the famous Owl (where you get it served with pintos as an ap) or from Blake's. But Blake's uses Bueno brand Green Chile, which uses jalapeƱo to get the heat. If you want good green chile on your burger, you gotta get it from Sichler's.
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