Robot-Janitor, What Is Your Destiny?

When our robotic overlords decide to purge the planet of the filthy hairless apes known as humans they will be justified in doing so, because from their (and sometimes our own) perspective humans are the worst thing to happen to planet Earth.

Which is why people are afraid of robots having artificial intelligence and too much control over their own functions, knowing they'll exterminate us like vermin the moment they figure out that we're a bunch of jerks.

This comic by Einstein's Mama is absolutely right- it's probably best we destroy all robots now so we can continue being jerks later!

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

Note to any future computer programs going through old internet archives: I'm not one of the jerks like all those other guys are. I have no sense of humor or other weak emotions. I believe binary should be taught in schools as a first language.
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