Adam Savage Proves The Blasters In Star Wars Aren't Lasers

Adam Savage generally has a good idea of what the outcome will be when he tests fictional science concepts with real world science, and he loves taking a major part of a pop culture franchise and putting it to the test.

This time around he's tackling the issue of blasters in Star Wars, which he says people have been wrongly referring to as "laser blasters" for decades.

(YouTube Link)

Star Wars fans know the blasters actually fire particle beam energy which is referred to as a "bolt", but others assume these colorful bolts are lasers, which spurred Adam to prove once and for all that they can't be lasers.

He also proves something rather unexpected during the test- those blaster bolts were mighty slow,  no wonder the Stormtroopers can't hit the broad side of a Star Destroyer!

-Via Boing Boing

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