Ten Shocking Incidents Caught On Live Television

The good thing about live broadcasts is they bring us information in real time and connect us to the outside world through our TV.

The bad thing about live TV broadcasts (at least according to the networks and the FCC) is they can't be edited, so the folks at home see whatever happens while the cameras are rolling.

When boxer Benny "The Kid" Paret was dealt the grievous injuries that would put him in a coma and kill him ten days later it was shocking but part of the risks you run by being a pro boxer. (Warning: violent footage)

(YouTube Link)

Viewers watching the fight on live TV were shocked to see the former Welterweight champ go down, and horrified to later find out about his death, but fight fans know death is always a possibility.

However, it's safe to say nobody knew what was going to happen when JetBlue Airways flight 292 made a crash landing of sorts at LAX in 2005, unable to land properly because the landing gear was twisted sideways.

(YouTube Link)

People watching live at home thought it might be the end for the 140 passengers and 6 crew members, but thankfully this shocking moment didn't result in any deaths or injuries.

See 10 Shocking Moments Caught On Live TV here (contains NSFW material)

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