Zeon Santos's Blog Posts

The Cast Of Star Wars: The Force Awakens Sing An Acapella Theme Song Medley

You can tell the original cast of the Star Wars trilogy are glad to be back, and the new cast members appear to be ecstatic about jumping on board that space opera shuttle to superstardom.

Just to prove what a happy band of out-of-this-world actors they really are they came together to perform an acapella Star Wars theme song medley on The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon, with The Roots keeping the beat fresh.

(YouTube Link)

Chewie looks a bit put off by the singing, and the droids don't know what the heck to do, but seeing Admiral Ackbar singing along is the most shocking appearance of them all!

-Via BuzzFeed

Blacksmith Settles The "Jet Fuel Can't Melt Steel" Argument Once And For All

There's a group of conspiracy theorists who believe September 11th was an inside job, and they cite the "fact" that jet fuel doesn't burn hot enough to melt steel beams as a way to prove their point.

These 9/11 Truthers have been getting on metalworker Trenton Tye of Purgatory Ironwork's nerves for over a decade, so he decided to settle the argument once and for all with video proof that's totally truthy.

(YouTube Link)

It's surprising that Trenton is the first guy to make such a video, since this argument seems to be fairly simple to debunk, only now he'll probably be lumped in as part of the "inside job"!

-Via Huffington Post

Helpful Video Explains The Japanese Method Of Wrapping Gifts In A Flash

The Japanese art of origami is all about folding paper into shapes, from simple and geometric to intricately detailed figures, and at their purest origami paper sculptures are made without using scissors, glue or tape.

This may make origami seem useless for wrapping presents, because we're taught to use tons of tape while wrapping presents, but the Japanese have a simpler, and much faster, way of wrapping.

(YouTube Link)

Inspired by the Takashimaya department store speed wrapper video that went viral last December, YouTuber BeatTheBush decided to break the process down for us so we can actually follow along.

And once you've mastered this speedy method of wrapping you'll need only three pieces of tape and the whole process will take only fifteen seconds.

-Via CountryLiving

A Lost Michaelangelo Painting Has Been Hanging In A Living Room In Queens

Lost paintings are rarely recovered because "lost" is just a nice way of saying they were either stolen or destroyed, but sometimes famous works of art really are somehow lost in the shuffle.

Michaelangelo is one of history's most famous artists, and yet at least a half dozen of his sculptures, paintings and drawings are still lost, but there may be hope for one of his paintings.

The Kober family from Buffalo, New York claim to have a genuine Michaelangelo painting depicting the Madonna and Jesus hanging in their living room, and according to Italian art historian Antonio Forcellino they may be telling the truth.

Martin Kober has been trying to get the painting accepted as an authentic Michaelangelo painting since 2009, and while Italian art historians spent three years scientifically proving it's the real deal the rest of the art world isn't convinced.

What is it about "The Mike" that has American art historians refusing to accept its authenticity? Maybe they're waiting for Michaelangelo to come back from the grave and sign a Certificate of Authenticity?

Read more about the "Kober Michaelangelo" here

-Via The Mary Sue

Photographic Evidence That Vladimir Putin May Be Immortal

Vladimir Putin is a strange man, that much we know, but what we don't yet know is why.

Is he an evil mastermind hell bent on controlling the world? Probably not, at least not while he's awake.

Is he from another planet? Surprisingly, tests show him to be of this world, but calling him an ordinary human may be a bit of an understatement.

In fact, this photographic evidence seems to indicate Vladimir Putin has been alive and making the same goofy faces while being photographed for at least a hundred years.

One guy took the theory a step further to suggest Putin may be 19th century Greek General Valtinos, which backs the immortal theory even more.

(Image Link)

Since we can't prove Putin is an immortal we can only speculate wildly and make crazy assumptions, but it sure would explain some of the bold moves made by the Russian President.

-Via Telegraph

Hilarious Ad Shows Why We Should Apologize To Our Cats After The Holidays

People love to torture cats for their own amusement, from the constant petting and brushing to the indignity of having to eat on the ground instead of the table and crapping in a box instead of outside like Dog intended.

But for cats being forced to wear a costume so people can mock them is the most terrible of all tortures, and that's why cats hate human holidays.

(YouTube Link)

Our poor feline prisoners go through so much just to make us smile, so Temptations cat treats is urging cat jailers owners to apologize to their felines for all the humiliating costumes and human mockery.

-Via Laughing Squid

It's A Bad Brains Christmas, Charlie Brown!

The iconic soundtracks to the Peanuts TV specials were recorded by the Vince Guaraldi trio from 1965-70, and although we all love that jazzy sound it has been around 50 years of the same songs, so maybe it's time to explore our options.

Surprisingly, a song by Bad Brains goes perfectly with the Peanuts Christmas dance, updating that classic cartoon scene with some old school punk.

(YouTube Link)

It's fun to watch the Peanuts gang gyrate to the soothing sounds of 80s hardcore punk, proving Bad Brains songs and the Peanuts are two great tastes that go great together!

Guy Quits Job After Burning Man, Spends 10+ Years Creating Sand Art

Many of the tens of thousand of people who attend Burning Man are moved by the experience, their lives "changed" by that funkiest of all festivals, and then they resume their normal lives and move on.

But for 44-year-old Andres Amador the 1999 Burning Man festival was so impactful that he quit his job soon after attending the festival and started creating sand art full time.

Andres earns a living by taking commissions from clients for pieces which are generally photographed from high above (drone?), the photos then used on postcards and calendars.

It takes Andres hours to rake designs into the sand but only a few minutes for the tide to wash it all away, leaving a clean slate for Andres' next meditative masterpiece.

-Via Bored Panda

Forensic Anthropologist Creates A More Realistic Portrait Of Jesus

Jesus seems like he would have been a pretty cool guy, and since he turned water into wine and hung out with hookers he was probably the life of the party, that is, if he actually existed.

Whether we have proof of his existence or not Jesus has become quite a polarizing figure, and people are constantly claiming their actions are done in the name of the Lord- this guy right here:

If you're thinking that guy doesn't appear to be of Middle Eastern origin at all you're right, which is probably why some people have taken to calling him White Jesus.

This disparity didn't sit right with forensic anthropologist/medieval artist Richard Neave, so he decided to use his skills and the power of science to create this far more realistic image of Jesus.

Richard used three skulls found at archaeological sites in Israel as the basis for his portrait, using computerized tomography to flesh out the skulls and create the composite image above.

This is just a guess at what a possibly fictional man might have looked like, but it does seem to go along with the idea that Roman soldiers couldn't tell Jesus apart from his disciples, since White Jesus would have stuck out like a sore thumb.

-Via Esquire

Ten Shocking Incidents Caught On Live Television

The good thing about live broadcasts is they bring us information in real time and connect us to the outside world through our TV.

The bad thing about live TV broadcasts (at least according to the networks and the FCC) is they can't be edited, so the folks at home see whatever happens while the cameras are rolling.

When boxer Benny "The Kid" Paret was dealt the grievous injuries that would put him in a coma and kill him ten days later it was shocking but part of the risks you run by being a pro boxer. (Warning: violent footage)

(YouTube Link)

Viewers watching the fight on live TV were shocked to see the former Welterweight champ go down, and horrified to later find out about his death, but fight fans know death is always a possibility.

However, it's safe to say nobody knew what was going to happen when JetBlue Airways flight 292 made a crash landing of sorts at LAX in 2005, unable to land properly because the landing gear was twisted sideways.

(YouTube Link)

People watching live at home thought it might be the end for the 140 passengers and 6 crew members, but thankfully this shocking moment didn't result in any deaths or injuries.

See 10 Shocking Moments Caught On Live TV here (contains NSFW material)

This Family Has Been Winning Christmas For The Last 13 Years

Lots of people share their funny Christmas card photos online, but only one family has been delivering the yule tide yucks for over a decade, proving they were born to do Christmas themed comedy.

They are Laura and Mike Bergeron from Aliso Viejo, California, and their Christmas cards give the gift of laughter and irreverent inspiration year after year.

The Bergerons clearly care about spreading joy during the holidays, and they realize that laughter is the gift that keeps on giving throughout the year.

But they also realize that funny Christmas cards are like crack- you always want more, and when it stops coming it leaves a hole in your life, so they'd better keep those hilarious Christmas card photos coming!

See A Collection Of The Bergeron Family's Funniest Holiday Cards here

11-Year-Old Björk Reads The Nativity Story On An Icelandic TV Special

Back before Björk was part of The Sugarcubes she was just a young lady with dreams of stardom who appeared on an Icelandic TV special back in 1976, reading the Nativity story while onstage with some talented young musicians.

(YouTube Link)

It's hard to understand what people are saying in the video unless you speak Icelandic, and the English subtitles seem to be a bit off, but it's not hard to see why people were captivated by Björk's unusual beauty. And yet she somehow manages to look practically the same whether she's 11 years old or 50!

-Via Openculture

Sci-Fi Themed Christmas Cards From Soviet Era Russia

When the Russian Empire gave way to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics they officially, and legally, became a nation of atheists, a sharp turn away from their religious roots.

This made things hard for the devoutly Catholic, and really put a damper on the Christmas festivities, but holiday card artists managed to save the day by sneaking in images of Saint Nick with a little white lie.

These clever artists combined the Soviet space obsession with images of who they claimed to be "Ded Moroz", a wizard from Russian mythology who happens to look an awful lot like Santa Claus.

They combined icons from mythology, cool sci-fi stuff and traditional holiday fare into one utterly amazing outer space scene, creating the kind of Christmas cards most geeks would love to send out to this day.

Man, Soviet Santa is so much cooler than our syrupy, Coca-Cola sponsored version!

See more Engrossing Soviet Science Fiction Holiday Cards here

Guy Who Jumped Off Golden Gate Bridge And Survived Tells His Story

It's safe to say that nobody in their right mind has ever jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge, and whether the jumper is suicidal, suffering from a mental illness or on drugs they almost never live to talk about why they jumped.

The Golden Gate Bridge is one of the most popular sites in the world for suicide, and less than 1% of those who jump off the Golden Gate Bridge survive.

Kevin Hines is one of those less than one percenters, and he told his story of suicide survival to BuzzFeedVideo in hopes that others like him will seek help rather than end their own life.

(YouTube Link)

Kevin is also producing a suicide prevention documentary that shows the effect suicide has on the person's loved ones, which seems like it will be more effective than the standard "you have so much to live for" message.

-Via BuzzFeed

Learn Valuable Survival Skills From The Tokyo Disaster Preparedness Guide

Survival skills and disaster preparedness are one in the same in many ways, because when the world is in a state of upheaval knowing how to survive while "in the field" becomes your top priority.

If you want to learn survival skills you should look to those who deal with natural disasters far too often, like the mighty resilient Japanese.

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government created a massive (and massively handy) handbook called "Disaster Preparedness Tokyo" to teach Japanese residents crucial survival skills so they're prepared when an earthquake, or other disaster, strikes.

The guide's good for more than just survival skill training- it's chock full of handy tips and tricks you can use in your everyday life. Now you can get out there and survive in style!

-Via Lifehacker

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