Zeon Santos's Blog Posts

The Technology Behind Samus Aran's Arm Cannon

If you've ever played one of the games from the Metroid franchise you probably wondered how Samus Aran's arm cannon works considering it covers her entire arm and doesn't need to be reloaded.

Playing through all the games didn't provide any answers to this question, but then I came across this Awkward Zombie comic by Katie Tiedrich and the answer was made clear- Samus' guns power the cannon! What a physique!

(So then...are the missiles her fingers?)

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

Texas Cowboy Rides His Horse Into Taco Bell

What sort of grub does a cowboy get a hankering for after a hard day of ridin' at the rodeo?

Apparently in Texas cowboys go for Taco Bell, and when 19-year-old Lathan Crump rode up on his horse Hollywood and discovered the drive-thru was closed he decided to ride on in for some tacos to-go.

Lathan knew it was a bit funny to ride his horse into the restaurant, but he never expected to go viral thanks to all the pics shared by people in the restaurant and this video he posted on Instagram.

And it appears this cowboy gets to keep his white hat because Commerce PD says they won't be taking action since nobody reported the incident and the restaurant isn't pressing charges.

Maybe he could do a little rodeo ridin' in the parking lot and drum up some business for the store to make up for his horsin' around?

-Via Dallas News

The Truth About Suicide Squad's Joker

If you haven't seen the Suicide Squad movie yet then you're in for one big surprise- the Joker isn't in the movie as much as you'd think considering he was prominently featured in the ads.

Jared Leto's Joker parts may have been cut as a response to fan criticism online, or perhaps director David Ayer felt Leto had gone far too method with his acting either that or the scenes just plain sucked.

As this comic by JHall and Andrew Bridgman of Dorkly shows us Jared Leto was going to be happy with his portrayal of the Joker regardless of what we all think, but don't tell him you hated his Joker or he might want to be your buddy!

-Via Dorkly

Alaskan Moose Family Plays In The Sprinklers

The dog days of summer can really get you down, even if you're a moose, and we all want to find a fun and refreshing way to beat the heat.

Pools and water parks are great, and hanging out in the frozen foods section of your grocery store will keep you cool for a while.

But take it from the moose family in this video- running through the sprinklers is the most fun way to stay cool and go wild at the same time!

(YouTube Link)

This fun moose footage was captured by Eagle River, Alaska resident Candice Helm, who was kind enough to turn on the sprinklers so that adorable moose family could cool off.

Just don't put out any Moose Chow, Candice, or your summer visitors will never leave!

-Via Laughing Squid

Vice Writer Tried To Live Like Gwyneth Paltrow For A Week

Lots of people dream of living the decadent life of a movie star, but those dreamers never think about the fact that many celebs have extremely strange views and eating habits.

Vice writer Michael Buchinger adores Gwyneth Paltrow, so when he bought her cookbook It's All Good he just had to see what it was like to live like Gwyneth- by suffering through her strict and strange diet.

Day one started with a glass of cabbage, ginger, mint and lemon and some almonds that had been soaking in water for six hours, which Gwyneth calls the "ideal snack".

Michael didn't agree, but later that day he and his party guests did enjoy a gluten free berry crumble with quinoa flakes from the book so he kept going with the Gwyneth way.

Day two involved Gwyneth's famous miso soup with shiitake mushrooms and bonito flakes, a soup so good she eats it for breakfast and dinner, and a few too many beers at the bar because "She also doesn't stick to her diet all the time, so my exception is totally fine!"

(Image Link)

Which made day three a waking nightmare, and Michael was only able to pull through by thinking about "the time Gwyneth was hiking in Arizona and thought she heard the rocks whispering the mantra, "You have the answer, you are the teacher!"

Read I Tried To Live Like Gwyneth Paltrow For A Week here

The Teen Girl Who Met With President Lincoln 30 Minutes A Day

Hearing about a teen girl who met with President Abraham Lincoln for thirty minutes a day over a five month period may make you think of affairs, scandals and inappropriate behavior.

But there was nothing untoward about 17-year-old Lavinia “Vinnie” Ream's relationship with President Lincoln, she was simply an amazing young artist who was given the chance to create sculptures of Lincoln.

Abraham Lincoln was a very busy man in 1864, so granting someone half an hour of his precious time a day was a big deal, but Lincoln didn't do it for posterity or the sake of art- he sat for Lavinia because she was in need:

Her friends in the Senate personally asked Lincoln to pose for the sculpture, but he declined. After hearing that she was a struggling artist from a Midwestern background not dissimilar to his own, however, Lincoln relented. “He granted me sittings for no other reason than that I was in need,” she later wrote. “Had I been the greatest sculptor in the world I am quite sure I would have been refused.”

Lavinia created a bust of Lincoln during that five month of half-hour sittings, and after his passing she agreed to make a full sized memorial statue of the President, becoming the youngest artist and first woman to receive a commission from the U.S. government.

Read The Teen Who Met with Lincoln for 30 Minutes Every Day at mental_floss

Wizard Vs. Jedi

Wizards are one of the coolest character archetypes found in the fantasy genre, and Jedis are kinda like wizards only with extensive martial arts training and a cool laser sword.

So who would win if the two were to meet on the field of battle?

I'd vote for the wizard, but this Madcap Brothers video seems to indicate the Jedi would win by batting away the wizard's Magic Missiles. (NSFW due to language)

(YouTube Link)

According to Dungeons & Dragons rules Magic Missiles always hit their target and have no saving throw, so perhaps the wizard in the video is level 0 and still in training?

-Via Nerd Approved

Siberian Miners Unearth Creepy Mummified Critter

When Siberian miners uncovered a horrific-looking mummified critter corpse in the diamondiferous sands in Udachny they didn't freak out and cry “monster!” - because they thought they'd found a dinosaur.

But most people with a rudimentary understanding of animal anatomy instantly recognized it as the corpse of a mammal, so the dinosaur angle was ruled out with a glance.

(Image Link)

As commenters argued about what it could be they determined it was probably a marten or weasel, possibly a badger, and definitely no big deal much to the miners' dismay.

The creature is currently being transported to the regional capital Yakutsk for examination, where experts will determine whether it's an important find or an elaborate prank.

-Via Gizmodo

Inside The Abandoned Grand Orient Express

The Grand Orient Express was one of the most luxurious trains in the world when it began service back in the late 1800s, but by 2009 passenger trains were quickly becoming a thing of the past.

So the Grand was left to rot in a trainyard in Belgium after taking its last trip in December, 2009, which is surprising consider how famous and important that train was in its day.

Equally surprising- how nice the interior of the Grand looks even though it has been virtually left to the elements, a decadent steel corpse captured in all its rusty glory by Brian of Preciousdecay photography.

Brian on exploring the remains of the Grand Orient Express:

“When I step into an abandoned site it feels like stepping into a time machine. I try to feel the emotions of it’s past and that is what I want to show in my pictures,” Brian writes on his website. “When people are looking at my work and raise a question about the “what, why, when” then I feel I have succeeded.”

-Via Bored Panda

EDIT- Apparently the photographer Brian (and everyone online who linked to his photos) had it wrong with this one- this isn't the Grand Orient Express but rather a Type 620 DMU (Diesel Multiple Unit) of the Belgian Railways:



So still a really cool looking locomotive but not the famous Orient Express, thanks for the edit Jurgen K.

One Pill Makes You Larger...

Pills continue to flow out of our neighborhood pharmacies along with promises of happiness, better sex and a pain free life.

But far too many of these pharmaceuticals come with a hidden cost of dependency, making customers wish they'd never opened the bottle in the first place.

So before you go popping pills to improve your life in one way or another take a note from this comic by Jim Benton and see if there's any way that bottle of pills can improve your life while it's still closed!

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

The Knights Of Olde Were Actually Huge Jerks

The knights of olde have been heavily romanticized over the years thanks to literature and pop culture, but despite what your favorite fictional stories say knights were big ol' jerks.

I mean, what kind of hero would pillage, rape and slaughter their serf's livestock without moral objection or fear of punishment? A medieval knight, that's who!

Many medieval knights had nothing better to do than hang out on their plot of land all day, since they only worked about 40 days a year, and when those alpha male rich kids in plate mail armor got bored, blood would flow.

But battle was rarely a deadly affair for medieval knights, because common blooded foot soldiers could be punished for killing a knight since they were worth more when held for ransom.

Read 10 Reasons Medieval Knights Were Actually Huge Jerks here

Experiments In Induction Cooking

Induction cooking is one of the coolest forms of "modern" cooking technology, and since the cooking vessel itself is heated via magnetic induction there are no flames or hot coils, so it's also a safer way to cook.

In order to demonstrate how induction cooking works Yuppiechef cut a pan in half and cooked eggs, bacon and chocolate on it, and boiled water in the pan while it was sitting on a magazine.

(YouTube Link)

This video looks like something those product demonstrators at the county fair would show at their booth, but that doesn't make the technology any less impressive.

-Via Laughing Squid

Stranger Things- The Feline Edition

A group of geeky friends, teens who are too cool for school, a demogorgon, a psychic kid, and the upside down- these are all things found in the new Netflix series Stranger Things.

But as I recall the only cat on the show was in a shadowy lab and only on screen for a sec, and you know how the internet feels about programs without cats.

So illustrator Cassie Murphy drew up the purr-fect cast for the feline TV version of the show, Mangier Things, which will only be airing in our dreams...

-Via Nerd Approved

One Of The World's Crappiest Jobs- Professional Poo Diver

Sewage is constantly flowing beneath our major cities, our every flush adding to the sea of sewage beneath our feet that we try not to think about very often.

But how can you stop thinking about it, and therefore stop being reminded of your crappy job, when you're a professional poo diver?

If you're Brendan Walsh, owner of Melbourne's East West Dive and Salvage, you remind yourself that your job keeps the waste flowing, and without you people would be plodding around in that fithy muck.

Brendan's company dives into other no-air environments besides sewage, but the poo diving gig is the most important for the community because Australia's sewage system is a bit different than most:

...in Australia, we don’t process our sewerage with chemicals. We get bacteria to break down the solids by aerating them with big stirring machines, 24 hours a day. It’s a very aggressive environment, and moving parts constantly break.

Because the stirring machines are constantly breaking down, and all that crap can't be drained away, sewage farms hire divers like Brendan to do the repairs in a pitch black sea of poop.

And as long as Melbourne keeps crapping Brendan and his team of turd divers will always have their really crappy job.

Read more about being a Professional Poo Diver here

If The Internet Designed A Video Game

Asking the internet community for input on a video game project is like asking a school full of children to write their own cartoon series- only with extra helpings of sex and violence.

As this comic by Andy Kluthe of Nerd Rage and Andrew Bridgman of Dorkly shows a game built by the internet would be the most schizophrenic, unnecessarily violent and lengthy game ever played...plus zombie Pokemon!

-Via Dorkly

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