Zeon Santos's Liked Blog Posts

It's Damn Fine Coffee - Agent Cooper Would Be Lost Without It

It's damn fine coffee by ormadraws

Nobody in Twin Peaks has had a good cup of coffee for a while, since Norma closed the Double R a few years back, but something tells me things are about to get good and exciting again in that little sleepy town- because Agent Cooper's coming back. Dale's searching for something he left behind the last time he was here over 25 years ago, but will he be abe to find it without that damn fine cup of coffee to start his day?

Get all dressed up for the return of your favorite surreal TV show with this It's Damn Fine Coffee t-shirt by Ormadraws, and celebrate the good things in life like coffee, cherry pie and Twin Peaks!

Visit ormadraws's Twitter, then head on over to her NeatoShop for more damn good designs:

Back to bed Pocket Legend I can't adult today I see real people

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Sacred Geometry Yoga - The Path To Living In Harmony Lies Within

Sacred Geometry Yoga by VeganDawn

The body is a temple but the mind is a universe, where thoughts, ideas and beliefs collide to form new galaxies within. We are all made of the same mystic mathematics, constructed from the same sacred geometry used to build temples, create art and construct the very reality we live in. And as we practice our body arts, and assume the yoga positions of our predecessors in a daily ritual to celebrate our very existence, we become one with all as all becomes one within us.

Show the world what we're all made of with this Sacred Geometry Yoga t-shirt by VeganDawn, it's the vibrant way to spark conversations with your fellow sacred geometric constructs.

Visit VeganDawn's NeatoShop for more mathematical designs:

Forks Knives Freedom For All Beings Lives Have Porpoise For Fox Sake Stop Wearing Fur

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Bizarre Hospital-Themed Stock Photos From Japan

Searching through stock photo archives for the perfect image to use in a project can be a boring and monotonous process, and looking through all those images often leaves me feeling less inspired than when I started.

But then someone discovers a treasure trove of amazing stock images online that helps get my creative juices flowing once again, with pics so wild and wacky they leave me hungry for more.

The latest delicious discovery in the world of strange stock photos- Sukima Nurse, a Japanese site full of fun hospital-themed pics, most of which make absolutely no sense at all! Nurses serving sewer pizza, yes please?!

See more Bizarre Hospital Images at Dangerous Minds

Top 10 Reasons Jenny Nicholson Won't Do ASMR

Many YouTube stars start out making videos for their own pleasure but wind up making all kinds of vids just to increase viewership and make more money, but Jenny Nicholson is no sellout.

And Jenny's viewers have come to expect certain things from her that have no place in unboxing, haul and ASMR videos, namely her nerdy snark, deadpan sass and elaborate explanations.

Speaking of ASMR- here's Jenny's one-time-only ASMR video explaining the top 10 reasons she won't do ASMR.

(YouTube Link)

-Via Boing Boing

Bar Trick - Turn A Four Straw Crosshair Into A Square In One Move

Silly bar tricks are only silly when you're not using them to get free drinks or make a buck, but once you start adding tricks to your repertoire that actually pay off they go from silly to super useful.

Some bar tricks require tricky wording or drunk victims, but this trick simply requires you to think outside the box- and figure out how to make a four straw crosshair into a square by moving only one straw.

(YouTube Link)

This trick is a one-time only deal, but imagine the joy you'll be bringing to others when you teach them a simple way to score a drink without actually tricking or conning anyone!

-Via Rare

Scientist Forever - Let's Get This Dumb Universe Rollin'!

Scientist Forever by Olipop

Once you got science in dem dere bones you can't ever get away from it, no matter how high you fly! Okay, that sounded like it was written by Mr. Poopy Butthole, in other words crappy, so let's try this again. Remember, it's a pro-science design, super cool because it's Rick and Morty related, and there's a skull so it's super tough too. Okay, I've got it- Scientist Forever, Scientologist never! Nah, that one's bound to piss people off... how about "take this science and shove it!" Yeah, that sounds about right broh...*hic*

Throw your scientifical nature in people's faces with this Scientist Forever t-shirt by Olipop, it's the great way to show people you're a smartypants and a Rick and Morty fan!

Visit Olipop's Facebook fan page, official website and Twitter, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more astoundingly geeky designs:

Get Switchty Wookie Famous Quotes Steal the Plans Mouth Breather

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Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Tubespotting - I'm Starting To Think That Isn't Really A Warp Zone At All!

Tubespotting by Donovan Alex

Begbie thought it would be a good idea to give up trainspotting for a while, so he started eating these really far out mushrooms he found growing along the railroad tracks. They had red caps with white polka dots and they made him feel like life might be liveable without a needle in his arm, but every time he ate them he wanted a little more. Soon he was munching on those super strong mushrooms all day long, which made life feel like a video game where he was the bros in charge who could break all the bricks and rescue all the lovely princesses before that evil bastard Sickboy could get his paws on them. But a steady diet of psychedelics had begun to take a toll on his mental health, and a man can only crawl out of so many toilets before he starts to wonder where his life had gone wrong...

People will totally trip out when they see you wearing this Tubespotting t-shirt by Donovan Alex, and it's the perfect tee to wear to the premiere of Trainspotting 2!

Visit Donovan Alex's Facebook fan page, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more dark and geeky designs:

Glam N' Gunz Californiweirdo The Blink Panther Slimevana

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Slayer Chemtrails - Seasons In The Abyss That Is The Internet

Slayer Chemtrails by DeepFriedArt

There's one strange word that will immediately let you know where someone stands on the issues of conspiracy and government control when it pops up in conversation- chemtrails. It's an intriguing word that may or may not mean what those people who drop it during conversations think it means, and it is one of those theories that people either find totally far fetched or utterly believable. But whether you believe the government is spraying chemicals on the populace to keep them in line or you think this is a really out there conspiracy theory proposed by the same people who brought us Pizzagate and the Illuminati there's one thing for sure- the word looks totally rad on a tee!

Warn the world about the dangers of chemicals in the air and conspiracies spread online with this Slayer Chemtrails t-shirt by DeepFriedArt, it's the rockin' way to start a debate everywhere you go!

Visit DeepFriedArt's Facebook fan page and Twitter, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more delightful designs:

Hear Our Voices Retro Quest Everybody Needs A Friend Surfing Trooper

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Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Science Not Silence - The Future Can Be Bright Again If We Persist

Science Not Silence Science March by fishbiscuit 

It looks like science is being attacked by the forces of ignorance once again, as those who would have us roll our calendars back a hundred years or more are doing everything in their power to defund art, science and charity for the sake of corporate greed and regression. They would rather fill their heads with alternate facts and fairy tales than face the fact that embracing science is the only way to make this country great, but we will not let them subjugate us without a fight. We know the truth is quantifiable and incontrovertible, and despite their best efforts intelligence will win and light will return to our country once again- so long as we persist, resist and let our voices be heard!

Declare your allegiance to truth and knowledge with this Science Not Silence Science March t-shirt by Fishbiscuit, it's the bold and assertive way to show the world you're pro-science and not a fan of alternate facts!

Visit fishbiscuit's Facebook fan page, Twitter and official website, then head on over to her NeatoShop for more crucial designs:

Nevertheless She Persisted Bob-Ball Fake Vintage I Can't I Have Baseball

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Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

PEACH'S SECRET - In Another Castle Indeed!

PEACH'S SECRET by Skullpy 

Princess Peach did a bad, bad thing, and her transgressions have not yet become known to Mario, the savior of the Mushroom Kingdom. But when Mario finds out he's gonna be super ticked off, and he's liable to squash that little Toad good! Mario should have been suspicious when Toad was there to tell him that his princess was "in another castle", considering he had to fight his way through Bowser's forces to find Peach, but Mario is a good bros and a trusting guy so he believed the whole "damsel in distress" story. Looks like Bowser and the Mario Bros. will be going out for that drink after all- to discuss waging war against the real enemy of the Mushroom Kingdom, Princess Peach!

Wear this PEACH'S SECRET t-shirt by Skullpy around town and you'll see your fellow gamers crawl out of every pipe and castle to tell you "I knew that Princess was up to no good!"

Visit Skullpy's Facebook fan page, Twitter and official website, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more cheeky designs:



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Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

I'm Flying - This Titanic Reboot Looks Awful!

I'm flying by NemiMakeit

Darth never got to spend quality time with his own kids, so when he suddenly appeared in the mind of the young Sith Kylo Ren he decided to make the most of it and show that twisted kid how to live like there's no tomorrow. First he booked a cruise for them so they could sail through the stars and get to know each other better, then he let Kylo draw him like one of those French girls you see on the old postcards. And then he took Kylo out on the bridge of the ship to show him how beautiful the glow of war is when viewed safely from above, which made Kylo's spirit soar as he stretched out his arms and declared "I'm flying..."

Add some silly sci-fi style to your geeky wardrobe with this I'm Flying t-shirt by NemiMakeit, it's the totally campy way to make fun of Kylo's creepy daddy complex and force people to smile wherever you go!

Visit NemiMakeit's Facebook fan page, then head over to her NeatoShop for more pleasantly geeky designs:

Like a unicorn Hannibal bunny Fat life Old school gamer

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Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

BEER! - There Are No Bad Days When Your Days Are Full Of Duff!

BEER! by Firebeard

After you've lost your identity by playing a character so long you can't imagine a day going by where you don't dress up in costume and schill for your corporate overlords you start to really appreciate beer. Beer helps you get through the day, beer helps you forget every day and beer goes great with everything from tacos to donuts, and for Duff Man beer is the only good reason to get out of bed. Duff Man has had a pretty rough couple of years, what with the liver transplant and the death of Duff Dog on the same day he was dumped by Duff Girl, so needless to say Duff Man is pretty jazzed to be working for a beer company right about now. Yay beer!

Wear this BEER! t-shirt by Firebeard to your local watering hole and watch how people smile as they drink in your sweet new shirt. It's not Duff beer approved, but it's the next best thing- Duff beer unapproved!

Visit Firebeard's Facebook fan page, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more delightfully geeky designs:

The Moes on Abbey Road Beatlebusters "I Bring You Love!" Shun

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Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Batsy's Sirens - You Have The Wrong Number, There's No Charlie Here

Batsy's Sirens by Aaron Morales

They'd already committed many crimes together across Gotham, and their friendship extended well beyond their villainous careers, but nothing brought them together like the Bat. He was their reason for living, their worst enemy and deepest love, so when he sent them all a cryptic note telling them to meet up in a detective's office and await further instructions they all showed up. Then they heard The Bat's voice over an intercom on the desk and their hearts began to race- why was the Dark Knight calling them Sirens and prepping them for a mission? And which one would he invite to the Governor's Ball? Before they knew it they were doing investigative work for the Caped Crusader and loving every minute of it, acting like perfect angels because they felt like they were on an episode of The Bat-chelor and vying for that rose...

This Batsy's Sirens t-shirt by Aaron Morales won't help you solve the mysteries of love or why those Sirens are all so sweet on The Bat, but it will help you meet your fellow Bat-fans!

Visit Aaron Morales's Facebook fan page, official website and Tumblr, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more totally classic designs:

The Rat's Pack X-Fiction I Want YOU to Solve a Mystery or Rewrite History Notorious Mu-fa-sa

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Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Bat Romance - 'Til Suicide Or Firing Squad Do Us Part

Bat Romance by NibiruHybrid

Negan and Harley probably would make some kind of psychotic love connection if their universes ever collided, two sickos bonding over a bat. For the quackers Miss Quinn a baseball bat only recently appeared in her armory, but the shadow of The Bat has been haunting her for years. But Negan fell in love with his bat Lucille early on, when he noticed the look people get in their eyes when they see him bashing someone's head in with his barbed vampire bat. So I wonder how the inanimate queen of the Saviors would feel if Negan dumped her for some clowny chick in skanky clothes? She might fall into the hands of another survivor, perhaps a former sheriff with a grudge against Negan...

Show the world what crazy in love looks like with this Bat Romance t-shirt by NibiruHybrid, it's a funny way to break the ice with your fellow fans and it will make you look like a total knockout!

Visit NibiruHybrid's Facebook fan page, official website and Twitter, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more totally batty designs:

The Cat With The Bat Shred Head Stranger Jedi Leo Turtle Merc Sketch !

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Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Pees (Peace) On Earth - I Didn't Know Galactus' Real Name Was Calvin?!

Pees (Peace) On Earth by Captain RibMan

When an intergalactic being sets its sights on conquering planet Earth it typically does so to exploit our planet for its resources or to enslave humanity and use us as slaves. But Galactus is an intergalactic being of immense size, with an even more immense appetite, and he sees Earth as only one thing- food. Thankfully Galactus doesn't go number one or two where he eats, so we don't have to worry about the image above coming true before our planet is destroyed, but in a way that fact makes it even worse. Because at least we would know what's coming if Galactus peed on Earth first!

Add some crude comic attitude to your geeky wardrobe with this Pees (Peace) On Earth t-shirt by Captain RibMan, it's the funny way to spread Galactus awareness wherever you go.

Visit Captain RibMan's Facebook fan page, official website and Twitter, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more comical designs:

Logan's Fun-Run from Carrousel to Sanctuary The Smuggler Guardians Shirt COEXIST - SciFi

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Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

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