Zeon Santos's Liked Blog Posts

Perfect Responses To Rude Customers

Dealing with rude customers is one of the worst things about working retail, because you have to handle their anger and bad attitude without blowing up in their face or being rude back if you want to keep your job.

And while it is extremely satisfying to tell a customer where they can stuff their opinion then quit the job on the spot most people can't go out in a blaze of glory because they need to pay their rent.

So instead of storming out you should do like the retail worker does in this comic strip by AC Stuart and come up with clever yet snide responses to the stupid and rude things customers will inevitably say to you.

But whatever you do don't show customers any fear...they feed on that stuff...

See 8 Perfect Responses For Rude Customers here (NSFW language)

Overdrive Magazine: The Voice Of The American Trucker In The 1970s

Nowadays most people think of truckers as little more than the drivers of those giant trucks folks like to curse at on the freeway, but back in the 70s truckers were seen as larger-than-life figures who ruled the road.

Movies like Every Which Way But LooseConvoy and Smokey and the Bandit made truckers out to be blue collar heroes, who tamed the highways and took s#@t from no man, and people were lining up to drive big rigs.

Truckers even had their own magazine- Overdrive, known as "the voice of the American trucker". 

Overdrive was made for the red-blooded American truck driving men, and every issue featured lovely models meant to "inspire" those guys while on the long haul across the USA. They even included a "date master" so they wouldn't lose track of the days while they're truckin' for a livin'.

-Via design you trust

More Clever Comics By Russian Artist Gudim

Some cartoonists have a gift for visualizing thoughts and feelings we've all had about society, humanity and life in general, but a clever cartoonist can put ideas in our minds by presenting their personal take on a situation.

Now whenever you shake hands with someone who has a bunch of tattoos you're going to remember what happened in the comic above.

Russian cartoonist Gudim Anton is good at illustrating comical strips that stick with the viewer long after viewing, and when he presents an explanation it often seems a bit silly but it also somehow makes sense.

See 18 Clever Cartoons From Russian Artist Gudim here

'Tom Waits For No One'- An Obscure Animated Short From 1979 Starring Tom Waits

You'd think an Oscar-winning animated short starring Tom Waits would be well known in certain circles, especially when it's entitled "Tom Waits For No One".

But it appears this 1979 short by The Lyon Lamb Company was hiding out on the edge of the pop culture infosphere waiting to reappear and blow our minds.

(YouTube Link)

Here's a little background on this obscure animated short:

“Tom Waits for No One” is the title of an absolutely amazing animated short that was made in 1979 by the Lyon Lamb company, the Oscar-winning technological innovators behind the Lyon Lamb Video Animation System which allowed animators to see immediate pencil tests of something without having to shoot it on film.

Through a series of lucky events (seeing Tom Waits in his memorable TV appearance on Fernwood 2Night, then a few weeks later noticing Waits’ name on the marquee of the Roxy nightclub after a screening of Close Encounters of the Third Kind was sold out), John Lamb came to direct Waits in a rotoscoped animation for his song “The One That Got Away” to demonstrate their new device for the film industry.

Over thirteen hours of video was shot and edited down to 5,500 frames, which were then individually re-drawn and hand-painted onto celluloid acetate. What today would take a comparatively trivial amount of time then took the best in the business about six months of hard work.

adly, the impressive short had few outlets for people to see it, preceding MTV as it did by just a few years. The film remained in obscurity until it was uploaded to YouTube a few years back, and Lamb—who kept nearly all of the film’s elements safely stored away—started a Kickstarter to fund a remastering in modern day video resolution. There’s also a book, Tom Waits for No One: The Illustrated Scrapbook, that was published in 2014.

Read 'Tom Waits For No Man': Obscure Oscar-Winning Animated Music Video From 1979 here

12-Year-Old Helps Deliver Her Baby Brother

It's rare to find a teen or tween who even wants to be at the hospital while their mom gives birth to a new family member, much less hang out in the delivery room.

But 12-year-old Jacee Dellapena wanted to attend the birth of her new baby brother Zadyn, so her parents allowed her to be in the delivery room while her mom Dede gave birth.

Then Dede's obstetrician Dr. Walter Wolfe suggested Jacee should suit up and help him deliver Zadyn, a suggestion she was surprisingly excited about.

And with her parents' wholehearted approval Jacee stepped up and helped bring Zadyn into this world, which will forever give her the upper hand in arguments with her little brother!

-Via Bored Panda

Boomer The Skateboarding Cat Doesn't Mind A Crowd

There are so many skateboarding dogs and cats out there I won't be surprised when they start going pro, especially the dogs who don't mind a crowd forming around them.

But cats seem like they'd be less keen on a crowd, preferring to skate behind a grocery store instead of at the skate park, so they can chill and focus on the ride.

However, Boomer the Bengal could go pro any day now- because he isn't afraid to show off his skating skills in front of an attentive crowd, as long as they don't touch his board...

(YouTube Link)

-Via Laughing Squid

Make Your Summer Sizzle With A New NeatoShop T-Shirt

No Sleep Till Preschool by Kellabell9

Summer means different things to different people, but there's one thing everybody has in common when the weather warms up- we all want to wear t-shirts so we can stay cool.

If you want to make sure you're not wearing the same tee as everybody else, and you're looking for a t-shirt with an unique design that will blow people's minds, then you should head to the NeatoShop today!

In the summer we all try to stay cool however we can


And we all like to head outdoors and do stuff, since the days are so much longer

Gopher It! by Zone31Designs

Which is why we all want a cool t-shirt to wear in the summer

Summer by Hillary White

So we're looking our best when we're out and about

Rad Flamingo by Vincent Trinidad

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Stanley Kubrick Talks About Growing Up As A Misfit In This Cool Video

You can learn a lot about a person by examining their childhood roots, because all the good and bad things that happened to us when we were kids have an impact on who we are and what we do for the rest of our lives.

Stanley Kubrick was a school misfit who had "few intellectual interests" as a child and claims he didn't read a book for pleasure until after graduating from high school.

But when he discovered photography around age thirteen his artistic mind began to flourish, and he set his mind on becoming a professional photographer- which eventually led to him becoming a visionary film director.

(YouTube Link)

This video by The Solomon Society features a lost recording of Kubrick talking about his childhood, and how photography helped him move past his misfit phase.

-Via GeekTyrant

Epic Trucks, Trailers, Buses And Other Vehicles You Can Actually Stay In

The type of lodgings people choose when they're traveling says a lot about the type of trip they're on- stuck in a stuffy hotel means business trip, staying in the city center means tourist trip, and theme park hotel means non-stop fun.

So what kind of trip are you on if you stay in an old converted fire truck called The Beermoth, a furnished barge or a plush Constructam caravan parked near Camusdarach Beach in Arisaig, Inverness-shire?

You're on an epic vacation adventure you'll remember for the rest of your life, and the refurbished and furnished vehicles you're staying in are just part of the fun.

And what could be more fun than glamping in a converted Sea King search and rescue helicopter? Nothing could be more fun, except maybe if the helicopter was Airwolf...

Read Here Are Some Epic Trucks, Vans, And Helicopters You Can Actually Stay In here

Vintage Photos Of Big And Beautiful Hairstyles From The 1960s

Americans were way more in to "big" in the 60s- big cars, big collars and big hairstyles, but in order to live large folks had to put in work. Can you imagine washing one of those giant 60s street boats by hand?

People probably washed their cars about as often as women washed their hair, which according to my grandma was about once or twice a week, which is one of the secrets to big hair.

In order to create their picture perfect beehives, bouffants, pompadours and blowouts they had to backcomb their hair for maximum volume, a time consuming practice that would be reserved for a special occasion today.

But many of the women in these vintage photos maintained their crazy hairstyles daily, and they should have been given a trophy for their dedication to coiffed hair. Or perhaps a bobblehead would have been more appropriate?

See 30 Hair Styles From The 1960s That Will Boggle Your Mind here

New Study Finds Cats Most Likely Domesticated Themselves

Cats are truly amazing creatures, and since humans have never been able to fully tame those tiny tigers it's not all that surprising to hear a new study has found cats pretty much domesticated themselves.

But this discovery does seem to indicate that cats like humans as much as we like them, a secret the Feline Illuminati would kill to keep under wraps.

Casey Smith reported about the findings in National Geographic:

The earlier ancestors of today’s domestic cats spread from southwest Asia and into Europe as early as 4400 B.C. The cats likely started hanging around farming communities in the Fertile Crescent about 8,000 years ago, where they settled into a mutually beneficial relationship as humans’ rodent patrol.

Mice and rats were attracted to crops and other agricultural byproducts being produced by human civilizations. Cats likely followed the rodent populations and, in turn, frequently approached the human settlements.

“This is probably how the first encounter between humans and cats occurred,” says study coauthor Claudio Ottoni of the University of Leuven. “It’s not that humans took some cats and put them inside cages,” he says. Instead, people more or less allowed cats to domesticate themselves.

A second lineage, consisting of African cats that dominated Egypt, spread into the Mediterranean and most of the Old World beginning around 1500 B.C. This Egyptian cat probably had behaviors that made it attractive to humans, such as sociability and tameness.

The results suggest that prehistoric human populations probably began carrying their cats along ancient land and sea trade routes to control rodents.

-Via Boing Boing

A Game Where You Slap A Watermelon To Learn About The Horror Of Being A Watermelon

The Melon Game Jam started out as an inside joke among the game developers who attended A MAZE 2016 and became a delicious reality one year later, producing watermelon-themed video games for a fruit hungry world.

But one standout title from the Melon Jam actually uses a watermelon as a controller- 'The Story of The Revolutionary Watermelon That Wanted To Live Free as a Bird and Learned How To Escape' by SpaceBackyard.

(YouTube Link)

This crazy strange game stars a sentient watermelon who tries to escape its fruity fate by hopping to freedom, which usually doesn't end well for the watermelon:

The music and sound design is ominous and your efforts are mostly futile, sort of like if you replaced the protagonist in one of Playdead’s game’s with a watermelon; Limbo but for sentient produce.

All you can do as the watermelon is hop, and roll where you will, but the input is finicky, leading to chaos. If you’re not hopping enough, you’ll get snagged on a branch or stuck in a gully, but spam the jump command too much and you’ll eventually explode.

In order to debut their game in style at the Melon Jam SpaceBackyard replaced the keyboard with an actual watermelon, forcing players to slap the fruit if they wanted to play. Ethan Gach of Kotaku spoke to the creators to find out how they turned a watermelon into a game controller:

“Just some days ago we tried to put up something from scratch with the components found at home,” they told me in an email. “Technically speaking, it’s a really simple Arduino custom circuit and code based on a vibration sensor attached to a 100% real watermelon.” The sensor then connects to the computer and inputs the jump command every time a player slaps it. The hardest part, they said, was choosing the right watermelon.

“That road test was very useful to understand how people interact with a watermelon and how long it lasts,” they said. I asked them why they went to all the trouble though.

“Why not! Slapping a watermelon is so fun!”

You can too can try living a short and thankless life as a watermelon over at the game’s itch.io page, and once Space Backyard releases their diagram and code, you can even play it using your very own watermelon.

-Via Kotaku

Fun Robot

In my experience robots aren't any fun to hang out with because they try too hard to please humans and they don't get any of my jokes, but robot friendship experiences may vary.

It's cool if you want to hang out with a robot, I definitely won't judge, but watch out for robots who drink beer- because the booze has fried their circuits, so they may go a little haywire. Such shocking behavior! (Comic via Poorly Drawn Lines)

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

Things Got Awkward When Ellen Caught An Audience Member Stealing Swag

Ellen DeGeneres likes to make her audience's day by giving them free stuff when they come to see her show, but she also likes to prank people so audience members who see a table full of free stuff had better watch out.

Or I should say audience members who get greedy when they're told to take one free item should watch out, because things might get really awkward when their greediness is revealed on the show.

Watch as a greedy gal get shamed in front of a live studio audience- and is forced to sit in "Ellen Jail" for the rest of the show.

(YouTube Link)

-Via 22 Words

Artist Creates Characters Based On The Faces He Sees On Inanimate Objects

Pareidolia is a ten dollar word for the psychological phenomenon that makes us see faces on inanimate objects- it's something we all experience from time to time, and you're weird if you don't see faces on stuff.

Illustrator Keith Larson claims he experiences pareidolia more than most, which led him to start drawing the faces he sees on stuff and sharing his drawings via Instagram.

The little character faces Keith sees on furnaces, doorstops, bathroom stalls, dryer doors and ice machines are quite funny looking but may become a bother- because they can't be unseen. So get ready to meet a bunch of new friends!

-Via Bored Panda

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