Tiffany's Comments

I love these pants!
Alex is,however, safe for the moment. I am a terrible knitter. Of course this does inspire me to try, try again.
I wonder if they can be crocheted? Hmmm...I can crochet.
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Sammy sounds awesome to me. BUT, what I think is really awesome is a Mom who thinks their kid is so awesome. Love the blog - I checked it out this morning!
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@ the monkey... I thank you for your comment.

@ everyone else... I hope your having a good time with this topic. I am having a blast reading your comments. Your kids (or family members) are obviously wonderful.

Keep the fabulous comments coming. Don't forget to include your t-shirt choice! Some of your t-shirt choices are just as funny as the comments. We will be closing out the post over the weekend.
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@ Shannon. Alex suggested I tell you this for #10:

10. Spouses make great editors most of the time. Sometimes, however, you get what you pay for.

My Dad's answer, however, would be more like this:

10. Genetics can suck. You will never be tall like a supermodel. It's also evident that you inherited my bad math and chemistry genes. Sorry, kid. It just looks like you are going to have to study harder.
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I could start my first car without keys. It was an older car (1955 Chevy) where the key slot stuck out. You could turn the key slot and start that baby up. No key needed.
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Oh, and John I think the names you and your wife did end up choosing for your little ones are absolutely beautiful. While, I happen to know a very adorable and smart woman named Ursula I'm kind of with your wife on that one. I still do think about the sea witch when I hear the name.
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The jewelry comment was actually a dig at me. Sadly, I'm not offended. I am easily distracted by shiny objects. Yes, my husband is a stupid, stupid man. It's a good thing I am easily bribed.
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I went to college with Jeff and he was by far one of the nicest guys there. FYI- the nicest guy at CAL at that time though was your very own Alex of Neatorama (and I am not just saying that because I married the guy).
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Thank you for the zucchini burger suggestion! That's an awesome idea. I have been trying to figure out what to do with this thing. I had toyed with the idea of giving chunks of it out as party favors. Maddy does have her birthday party this weekend. What?? You don't think little kids would appreciate a wedge of zucchini in with their playdough and bubbles??
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