So funny's Comments

I love how people are offended by modern affirmative action. But forget if not for the unofficial affirmative actions racial policies of the 19th and 20th Centuries that allowed millions of Europeans to come to American and live as equal to Native and ethnic Americans. And yes there are ethnic Americans. The people who forged the American identity in the 17th and 18th Centuries. Those Eastern Woodland cultures, slaves, and primarily peoples from the British isles. Remember if not for laws passed after slavery so many immigrants would not have had the opportunity to have their descendants be Americans. Imagine if the descendants of American slavery, ethnic Americans, were allowed to fully participate in the society their ancestors created. Would the poverty that exists today be a reality? It took over one hundred years for Americans whose ancestors were co-creators of the American identity to receive their rightful place as full citizens. It's lovely how people think being white makes them more American than people of color, especially the America's slave descendants. Race and ethnicity are two different things. As an ethnic American I'm tired of this bull.
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Um newsflash the reason "rich" countries have Santa is because the idea of the man we call Santa Clause is from Northern Europe-UK/Netherlands. The only reason America and Canada have Santa is because of the Dutch colony of New Amsterdam brought the tradition! I agree with the first poster, great way to not make me NOT give any money to UNICEF!
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I live in the New York City Metro area and black squirrels are common. I grew up in the Bronx and live in Westchester County. I have a family that lives in the tree next door. There mom is grey. Little bastards are all over my feeders, but I love 'em!
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