Anothercommenter's Comments

too funny. Just this afternoon I was sitting in a parking lot waiting for my wife, and I was watching kids walk across a crosswalk on a busy road. It's hardly an exageration to say that half of them were texting, a lot of them didn't even look up while walking across the road. Kids these days...
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@hmmm. If the USA went Iraq for the oil, then I guess its a good thing. Considering gas was at an all time high that summer. And it continues to go up. You dont even know what your talking about. Thats just typical ignorance. But I guess you're probably right. Nobody appointed the US as the world police. That would be called the U.N. I dont see anyone talking bad about France for leading the charge in Libya. America was attacked, and for that reason we invaded. So the WMD thing was false. Invading Iraq did nothing for our oil, so I dont really understand why people like you fixate on it. It just proves my point that you know nothing about the topic you are trying to talk about. The US is training the Iraq military so that we can pull out of Iraq. The US knows it wont be able to defeat terrorism. Thats why they are training the Afghanistan military to help quell the violence there. You say that we could invade half the world to take out a dictator. It wasnt about taking out a dictator. It was about taking away a safe haven for Al-queda and Taliban and giving people rights. I was in Iraq during their first elections. Can you imagine, for a moment, being able to vote for your leader for the first time in 50 some years? Can you imagine going into the voting station, knowing that you might die for going? Because that was the exact case. Saddams supporters threatened bombs, and murder at all of those stations. yet millions of people showed up to vote, even with death being a possible penaltly. No one held a gun to their heads telling them to vote. It was just the opposite. But I suppose you probably overlook that tidbit, to continue calling the US the bad guys. Just remember, the US isnt the only country with soldiers over there. And the US cant force another country to join its war. They joined the war because they agreed with what we were doing. So I guess that kind of makes them world police too. And the only reason that its futile to argue, isnt because we are blind patriots. Its futile to argue because you use a little bit of false information to try to base your entire arguement on. State some facts based on real information, and then you have an arguement.
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@ Hmmmm. Yes. I suppose that Amercicans are brainwashed into blind patriotism. Not at all like North Korea or China. Who are true humanitarians. I suppose its Americans that have violent protests, and riots in the street and rip our country apart when we dont like our leaders. I guess that Americans will strap bombs to ourselves, our wives, and our children and run them into crowded markets, and malls, and theaters, based on a pure hatred based solely on religion. Yes, America does have its fair share of issues. But come on, really? What is really interesting to me is that everyone that comments on this stuff apparently does not have any idea of what happens over there. I can only assume that all the people that like to say that the war on terror was a waste of lives, and like to say that its a waste of money, have this image in their head of crazy red eyed monsters running through the streets shooting down anyone they see, all while holding up an American flag. The media only shows the anti-American people over there. There are many more individuals in the countries that we are currently in that love Americans for the sacrifices that have been made. Do most of you people understand the Taliban or Al-queda? Do you realize that the go into these villages and "recruit" thousands of young men by threating and killing families and loved ones? And it wasnt in response to America going over there. This has been going on well before we went into the middle east. Its called terrorism for a reason. Most people just see the headlines and never read into what America is doing in the middle east. When Saddam was defeated, it wasnt Americans dancing in the streets of Iraq and Turkey an Kuwait. Cheering and holding up banners. Im sure this is just another wasted comment, because Im pretty sure that it just falls on deaf ears, and the people that accuse America of being blind brainwashed patriots are really little more than the same.
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oh, last point. (yeah, I know I've gone on long enough, but people's blind opinions really get my going) America caught Saddam. We didnt kill him. Saddam was executed by the Iraq government.
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Oh, also, to all the people that like talking about how violent America is, and how we are just rutheless killers, I just wanna point out that America does consider the fact that we want to avoid casualties. Why do you suppose President Obama used a surgical strike like the SEALs? He could have dropped a bomb. If you read the news articles, that was one of his options. They had been tracking Osama for over a year looking for the perfect opportunity. He put the lives of his men in danger to avoid killing a neighborhood. just putting that out there. Another thing, before you continue blasting America for its violence, just look around the world. At least America is trying to help. I dont think that our president would bomb our own people if we started an uprising. Look at all the riots that started with Egypt. Sure America has riots, but we use non-lethal force first. Its called Escalation of force. but look at all the riots in Yemen, Bahrain. All over. Consider the fact that in Mexico, just in Juarez, more people die in one year than have died in the whole war in the middle east. So, again, like I said, maybe instead of blasting America, you could commend it for at least trying.
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Just wanted to say, I dont think anyone thinks that getting Osama is the end of violence. If they do, I have a bridge to sell. Getting Osama wasnt just about revenge either, to all the people that think we were just out trying to settle a grudge. Getting Osama was to take out a serious threat. He didnt just attack the world trade center on 9/11. He's been attacking targets for years! I suppose that the SEALs could have just asked him to hug it out. That seems to be what most of these people that keep on posting the Martin Luther quote wanted. But really, what other option was there? If America took him into incarceration do you suppose that the terrorist would just set down their weapons and shrug? Cause I imagine they would be more pissed and start attacking every spot they could. Not to say it wont happen, because like I alluded to earlier, things arent going to get better. So to all the people that say we shouldnt have killed him, what do you propose? Pack our bags and head home? Do tell. And to all the people that think we are only in the middle east to protect our oil, how well do you think thats working. whats gas now? like over $4.00 a gallon(again)? And if you think that the military isnt in Africa, your wrong about that too. I have friends that have gone on deployments to Africa. Heck, I have friends that have deployed to South America. They dont quite make the press like the war in the middle east, because a lot of the missions there are aid missions. damn warmongering military tryin to help out! but you guys dont look for that stuff. Cause its not in the popular news. Oh, and actually the pic on this post is damn Neat! And quit pining about Neato posting stuff for comments. Its individual contributors that post this stuff. Ahhhh. I feel better for now!
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How does something this dumb make it into the news? Im sure that there are countless people that have made "journeys" with streetview. did this guy call up the local news station to announce this "journey"? "I can make it 400 yards in 10 seconds"??? sounds like a real newsworthy article...
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Im sure that all of the old artists/sculptures (Da Vinci, Michelangelo) had nothing better to do than make wonderful and fun puzzles. everthing is a secret code or puzzle or clue to another puzzle. you could take a kids book and say that it has hidden messages if you want to. Makes historians look like they have figured something important out.
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