Ronald Fleming's Comments

Another interesting note to take in consideration is my last sentence in post # 121;..."and execute judgement upon the entire system of things on earth."
Many scholars have concluded that this will be God's judgement day, but its not. It is his judgement upon the wicked people on earth today only.
His judgement could not be on the countless individuals who have died through the centuries before us, because that would contradict his statement in Romans 6: 23a "For the wages sin pays is death," in other words a person can be aquitted of his deeds during his lifetime when he dies. (he has already paid the ultimate price).
The judgement day will occur after Armageddon and during, or after the promised resurrection.
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I'm sorry JT, you have patiently waited for my response to your question and I have no excuse for not replying except for good old fashion procrastinating.
Ok, the final major prophecy that will take place soon (might even be this year) is the Scarlet Coloured Wild Beast will rise up in what has seemed like a dormat position for decades and it will expose and ultimately destroy Babylon the Great.
To be able to relate this prophecy in a matter of understanding is first, you must identify these symbolical titles that are used in the chapter of Revelation and second, watching world events is cruical if one knows the signs.
It is important to also describe the Wild Beast that spawns the Scarlet Coloured one. Revelation 13: 1 describes a wild beast ascending from the sea with ten horns and seven heads. The ten horns are symbolic, but the ten diadems upon them actually represent political powers or empires in Biblical history that have shared ruling power simultaneously with the dominant state, or world power at that time. Examples are Media and Persia and lately the United States of America and Great Britian. So the heads of that wild beast represent the 6 major world powers that have come and gone since the USA began settling from immigrants from Europe in the 18th century. Those major powers were Egypt, Asyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome.
So the wild beast, or the seventh head is identfied as the Anglo American world power, USA & England.
Even though the new world and its European ancestors had indifferences for almost a couple hundred years, it was not until WW I and Britian being near defeat did the USA settle their differences and heal the death stroke as in Revelation 13: 3.
Revelation 13: 11-13 goes on to describe yet another two horned wild beast that performs great signs and even makes fire come down out of the heavens to the earth. It is still referring to the Anglo-American world power, but in a more aggressive role on the world stage. The fire out of the heavens is in relation to the first atomic bombs that were dropped on Japan. The aggressive role is clearly evident of the wild beast nature of the US and Britian since the turn of the century, especially in Iraq.
It should be noted that the number 666 is only a symbolic number which represents man who falls below the number 7 of God's completeness. Triple 6 is gross imperfection.
Prior to the final prophecy in which I will describe shortly, there have been many events that have occured since the turn of the 20th century and beyond that have already taken place, such as Satan and his Demons hurled to the vicinity of the earth (war in heaven)Revelation 12: 7-9, 12.The four horsemen of the Apocalypse. Revelation 6: 2...6: 4...6: 5b...6: 8a.

The seven bowls of God's anger in which only one more is to be poured during the coming tribulation Revelation 16: 1. All are explained in the 16th chapter.
Ok, here comes the main event that will take place shortly. The scarlet coloured wild beast stems from the seventh horn and it is identified as the United Nations organization in New York City.
There is a verse that describes the UN in association with years that can be confirmed by reading a chronological history of the 20th century. That verse is Revelation 17: 8a
"THE WILD BEAST THAT YOU SAW WAS, (League of Nations formed in 1919 after WW I)
BUT IS NOT, (dismantled in 1939 beginning of WW II)
AND YET IS ABOUT TO ASCEND OUT OF THE ABYSS, (reformed as the United Nations 1946)
AND IT IS TO GO OFF INTO DESTRUCTION." (Yet future, but will begin its conquest of babylon the Great during the beginning of the great tribulation), Matthew 24: 21.
Babylon the Great (harlot) represents all the entire world of false religion that is deceiving mankind today. (Antichrist(s).
Interesting to note also that Revelation 17: 11 exemplifies the UN as an 8th king, "hense", the new secondary general of the UN was sworn in as the 8th secondary general. In other words the United Nations organization will develope world status power very soon.
What events that follow up soon that will trigger the coming tribulation will also motivate the UN to destroy all religion on earth, which of course will reach catastropic proportions, that may employ nuclear weapons Matthew 24: 22.
When that occurs then divine intervention will trigger the coming war of Armageddon and execute judgement upon the entire system of things on earth.
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You are very welcome Christian, peace and good fortune be with you also, but unfortunately with this system of things on earth today, that will be short-lived. Let me explain:

It is interesting to note that the Bible seems complicated in all its literal and symbolic signs, even a far fetched fantasy storybook to some, but to the trained obsever, it actually is very simple and completely accurate even to events of our present time today. To be able to grasp the significance of scriptures, there is one main focus point that must be initiated to the individual in order to understand the implications of the tribulation described in Matthew 24: 21, that will soon be released upon mankind.
According to Acts 17: 24 organized religion and churches throughout the world do not teach the correct answer, nor have they the knowledge to interpet warnings of God's pending intervention into mankind's affairs. Being personally involved in many churches I have found this varification in Acts 17: 24 to be true. Except for the odd anouncement by organized religous leaders concerning hypothetical events taking place on earth today (the turn of the century to the year 2000 was one) they still fail to comply to the Bible's accurate account of our time period in relation to prophecy.
Because it is required to have knowledge of a chronological history of man of which must synchronize with the unchronological order of the Bible, (it would take more space to explain) so I'll use mathematics as a reference point in Bible prophecy to pinpoint our times.
The focus of today had its beginnings in the year 607 B.C.E. If you recall, Biblical and secular history agree in that year when the Babylonian Empire destroyed Jerusalem, slaughtering millions of Jews and taking many captive was the last time the tribes of Judah would have their kingly representation as God's earthly agents beginning with Saul (1 Sam. 9: 15-17) and the last Hezekiah (2 Kings 25: 1-26).
This was known as "The Appointed Times of the Nations, or Gentile Times" meaning under the law covenant the nation of Israel were no longer God's chosen people and would be dominated and controlled by non-Jewish nations. The time period of fulfillment is detailed in Daniel 4: 10-17 as 7 times.
Many scholars who studied the chapter of Daniel had concluded that these 7 times were in reference to the 7 years that King Nebuchadnezzar spent suffering under the symptons of lycanthropy, but lexicographers show them to be Biblical times. A Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament by Brown, Driver & Briggs, p. 1105 indicate a Biblical time according to the Jewish calendar to be 360 days. When representing them prophetically Numbers 14: 34 and Ezekiel 4: 6 when applying this formula expresses one day as a year.
Therefore 360 years times 7 equals 2,520 years. This formula also coincides perfectly with the 1,260 day reference in Revelation whereas 1,260 years plus 360 equals 2,620 years, omiting 100 years because there is no Zero century, "hense," why the 20th century was referred to 1900, the 19th century referred to 1800, the 18th century as 1700 and so on.
Add 2,520 years to the year 607 using our present day calendar it brings us to the year 1914 C.E.
Remember Before Common Era (B.C.E.) times move downward in numbers, where Common Era (C.E.) times go up. Now, many people (including Christians) during those times were led to believe that 1914 indicated in scripture to be the end of the world and with the outbreak of WW I it definitely seemed like it. When the year 1914 was announced by a group of International Bible Students back in 1880 they were referring to the conclussion of the Appointed Times of the Nations and the beginning of the last days.
If those people were reading their Bibles accurately, they would have known that the prophecies spoken by Jesus Christ in the chapter of Matthew 24 had not been fulfilled prior to that year.
Because of ignorance, many who were expecting God to take them to heaven fell away from the church and the faith and teachings such as Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution and athiestism became popular and continue during our present day.
Jesus clearly indicated in Matthew 24: 34 a generation who saw the prophecies fulfilling after 1914 would also live to witness the conclussion of this system of things. This would be some-what confusing to experts who evaluate a generation to consist of 70-80 years, which of course would be beyond the ending day. Theoritically the world (or syatem) should have ended in 1994.
The Bible compares our day to Noah's day and a generation during his time was 120 years. If one was to calculate 1880 plus 120 years (1880 when the year 1914 was first announced) it would point to the year 2000. As you may recall there were many countless predictions of the world ending at this time even by church leaders themselves. Here again, if people would have paid close attention to Matthew 24: 37-39 they would see that "quote 39:" "that they took no note," meaning the majority of the population of the earth would not be aware of the event. Before the year 2000, the entire world was on notice.
But Habakkuk 2: 3 gives further reference to a delay period of which is the time we are now living 2007!
Knowing a person could not live to be 127 years today, Jesus may have been referring to person's living during 1914 and onward until the conclussion of the system which is very close. Only God himself knows that day, but take in to consideration God's number of perfection is 7.
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Christian, the only Bible that I have in my collection of over 22 copies is the Hebrew Text (The Jerusalem Bible) translated into english from a previous copy of the scriptures from the original scrolls in the 19th century. Even though it uses the Tetragrammaton four vowels of God's name (YHWH) it uses only a footnote (*) indication of reference to the name used by the Nation of Israel during their covenant reign as Yahweh. Most other english translations used the titlement name as LORD (in capital letters), or in the case where God's name is amplified. Other translations use different variations to indicate God as the most high.
Of course different language translations use God in their text from their original translations.
However, if you have a King James Version, the name Jehovah occurs 4 times, once in Exodus 6: 3 Psalm 83:18 Isaiah 12: 2 and once again at Isaiah 26: 4.
I have heard that the brand new version of the King James Bible has removed the divine name altogether, but I have not obtained a copy to varify whether this is true or not.
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I guess it would make a difference on what translation of Bible you have Christian. You see, the original Hebrew text contained God's name 6828 times but it was disclosed as the letters YHWH which was referred as the tetragrammaton. God's personal name was handed down to Moses on Mt Sinai approximately the same time the Nation of Israel was handed down the Ten Commandments and of course you should know that the Ten Commandments were a part of the covenant arrangement the Israelites had with God in order to fulfill the titlement of God's chosen people of which consisted of over 600 individual laws known as the Mosaic Law. It was reserved for the Nation of Israel only.
The YHWH was refrerred in Hebrew as Yahweh in name form. Unfortunately the exact pronunciation of the name was not preserved when the Bible was translated into Aramaic and the Greek language. The sacred name, except for a few fragments copied into the "Greek Septuagint" from the Hebrew texts was substituted for the title "Lord, Adonai, God, Almighty God, etc.
This was also around the time the Nation of Israel broke the covenant for the last time and no longer retained God's favour.
The name of God was removed from all translations when it was thought to be a superstition to pronounce his name without varification of its authenticity.
However, it was not until 1535 when William Tysdale copied the Bible into english using the Latin Vulgate as reference and smuggled copies of the Hebrew text, which contain God's name. The Hebrew name Yahweh was pronounced Jehovah in english. Even though Mr Tysdale's copy was not completely accurate as he was translating the scriptures into english during the time of the Catholic Inquisition of which he was executed by the church for doing so.
But the King James Version translated into english in 1611 restored the divine name of God as Jehovah 4 times in its copies.
Following copies of the holy scriptures "The Living Bible, King James, New World Translation" (England copy) all restored the name as Jehovah in various locations that required individual identification. Only "The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures" restored the name completely throughout.
The important aspect of Bible translation requires skilled copiers and its equally important that it is translated accurately. As you may recall in Revelation 22: 18, 19 there are serious consequences for adding or removing any meaningful words from the original copies. There will also be repercussions from ones who are in possession of fraudulent copies of God's word.
Example: suppose you had a friend who stole goods from another person and used your residence to store the goods and the law found you in possession. It would make no difference whether you committed the crime or not. You will be guilty.
When the day of Jehovah comes, you and everyone else who has a fraudulent copy would be guilty of ostracism against his holy name. Best to obtain an accurate copy and begin studying!
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Thank you Thamsanga, your comment was most inspiring. I have been studying the Bible for over 45 plus years and never succeeded in interpeting any meaning of it until I began understanding the chronological history of mankind. Because history coincides so much with the Bible, relating factual events during my lifetime of 50 plus years on this planet began to make sense during the early 80's and now as we progress in the 21rst century, it has become more clearer.
I have studied religion through personal experience (involvement), but I was born with an inquisitive drive for truth rather than hearsay and that got me into deep trouble with church leaders. I could never understand why their teachings were sometimes so contradictary with scriptures that I would consistantly strive for answers, but to no avail.
I also learned that God had a name and wondered why people never used it, when everyone else in reference was used accordingly.
I'm also aware of people who are habitual arguers and realize that even God himself discourages authentic Christians not to waste time speaking sacred words to ones who have no respect for his authority.
But, even I have seen people use stupid lame comments at times only to realize after they have done reasonable research, have found a margine of truth disclosing the error of their ways.
I have found Jehovah's Witnesses very knowledgable in scriptural matters, infact they have shown me more detailed information that saved possibly many more years of study. They believe I am on the right track and have been encouraging me to understand how important Hebrews 10: 24, 25 is when searching for scriptural facts. Even though I have attended several meetings, gone to assemby's and large conventions, I do have issues that are not presentable with the Elders, but I do believe they are the religion spoken of in Ephesians 4: 4-6 and many verses in different chapters do seem to point their way.
I assume that when the tribulation starts my quest for truth will be answered in full, but the consequences of my actions and lack of works will also be my demise, as I'm understanding lately that not being baptised is equivelant to the ark door being shut.
Along with the study of history and through use of mathematics its very clear that we are indeed in the last days of this system of things (more appropriately, seconds). I also realise that one must pick up his own torture stake (not cross) and not to be part of the world, just as Christ commanded. I know I'm not going to heaven, yet I know I'm not bound for hell either. I quit celebrating Xmas 35 years ago seeing how phoney it is and learned that Christ's death is the one significance event that's more important than his birth.
Guess things aren't all hopeless yet huh? Thanks for your comment, may Jehovah bless your efforts.
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No "Born Against Christian," its not the mindset of people like me who are the root of what is wrong with this world, "no, far from it," its ones who do not pay close enough attention to detail and accuracy who try and deceive others through their own ignorance. One doesn't have to relate far in order to set an example. There is only one "M" in my name.
You could have saved yourself much typing work and research in your post # 104 if you were to understand the books of the old testament were during a period in history referred to the "Before Common Era" (BCE)which was before the coming of the Messiah. (Jesus Christ)
The Nation of Israel was subjected to some very harsh laws under the Ten Commandments brought down by Moses on Mt. Sinai. At that time the Nation of Israel drew up a covenant with their God Yahweh, which consisted of 600 detailed laws known as the Mosaic Law in which they were to follow in order to accept the titlement of God's chosen people. As you could see, disobeying those laws out of the covenant were very harsh.
Gentiles and all non Jews were not a part of that covenant arrangement.
May I suggest sir, you pay more attention to what you are reading before criticizing on your own accord.
May I also suggest you obtain a more updated and detailed Bible that has been corrected properly so you can interpet what you are ridiculing with a more accurate understanding.
Your following post # 105 is just too easy. If you evaluate your "GOD IS DEAD" theory from those examples, just continue the way you are, you don't have a hope in hell to survive Armageddon!
You'll find out that fact very soon.
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"For around 6000 years now prophecies of the Bible have been fulfilled with 100% accuracy." Michael, I was beginning to wonder if anyone out there ever carried an actual timeframe according to Biblical history. There are more people inclined to believe there are millions and billions of years, rather than meger thousands.
So I assume correctly you are familiar with one of the major last prophecies that is scheduled to take place very soon according to the book of Revelation.

Charlene, the world is never going to end, the system of things is what is referred to the ending of the world. God clearly points out that the earth was made to inhabit indefinitely, even forever.
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Nostra D, your comment # 96 shows you are a considerate and caring person and sincerely in your heart you would welcome change on earth as opposed to its current state and its a normal impulse of humans to long for peace and harmony among the different cultures that make up the human family.
I can reassure you, that is also God's promise to correct matters in his own due time. The problem with this correction which will take place very soon, is its not going be on man's terms.
Unfortunately, God will remove the elements that are preventing peace on earth and uphold the dreams of many who are fed-up with man and his suppressive attitude.
Two of those main elements are "governments and religion." In order to fulfill that promise in accordance to his purpose, all supporters of governments and all members of religions opposed or ignorant of his purpose will also be removed.
It is clearly brought out in Revelation 18: 4 God, through his angel gives a stern warning to get out of those religions. The entire chapter 18 deals exclusively with Babylon the Great, the name given to all religions that are false in content and opposed to God's strict standards.
Also its apparent that many individuals alive on this earth today do not wish to give up their selfish intentions and they have no will to change their personality which is needed in order for peace to become a reality. Remember, God reads hearts and treacherous hearts is what is deceiving mankind these days.
Religion has deceived many by introducing man-made doctrines that are not part of the holy scriptures. One in particular that you addressed in your comment was pertaining to the human soul.
Man was created a living soul, he does not possess one and the results of death on a soul is clearly evident in Ezekiel 18: 4 and again in Ezekiel 18: 20 that the soul that is sinning, it itself will die.
It is commendable to have knowledge concerning God's word, but its equally important to have accurate knowledge of truth of correct interpetation.
Its not a difficult effort, if you are willing to ask God in a personal prayer to direct your attention to the one and only faith mentioned in the Bible. Ephesians 4: 4-6
You already have a good heart condition, you just need to sincerely search for him to guide your steps.
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I'm not sure what version of the Bible you have read, but the true authentic scriptures do not express a tormenting buring hell where unrepentive sinners go forever. That is a teaching doctrine of man adapted by certain religions.
You say you have read the entire Bible through, yet you follow the patterns of organized religions in the world. Unless you are one of the annoited 144,000 you will not reside in heaven. Most churches teach if you are good you go to heaven and hell if bad.
Sorry, but God created the earth as man's home, heaven was reserved for an elite few and hell doesn't exist except for the grave.
If you want help in understanding the Bible correctly and accurately, ask God in sincerity and he'll show you.
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My sincere apology for the gender mixup Ms Gevalt, but in the nature of your reply it actually sounded quite mistakeably male agressiveness.
As for the warning Ms Gevalt, it does not belong to me to harbour it personally, it happens to coincide with God's purpose. If it was left up to me I would only address good fortunes to everyone who has a sincere love for their fellow humans.

I'm also not addressing your knowledge of the scriptures and if you are well versed in them you would be aware that God does not require you to keep them to yourself, nor stay silent about the pending tribulation that will trigger the battle of Armageddon.
Of all the religious groups in the world very few are adhering to God's requirements and there is only one that is actually giving his warning on a personal level, yet they are the most hated and persecuted organization on earth. And no, I am not a member of their congregations.

The Bible clearly gives reference that "faith without works is dead" and staying silent about pending tribulations is the same as being blood guilty towards any victim. Whether the person heeds the warning, or ignores it, if you have announced it, you have followed Christ's example when he dusted his sandals from the doorsteps of unresponsive ones and carried on to the next door.

Here again Ms Gevalt, I apologize for the mistake of gender and appreciate your reply comments.
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