Ronald Fleming's Comments

I'm pleased Mr Gevalt that you found the posts on here humorous, because a disposition of happiness is much more appropriate than any other alternative.
Your daddy, no doub't a very wise man, was teaching you to be a responsble citizen and tending to your own knitting is an older expression used to politely say, "mind your own business!"
But religion, a fascinating part of life, was never mean't to become the numerous spirituality organizations according to the teachings of Christ and his followers. His example was priority of all others.

But because man has inherited sin and imperfection, he does have a tendency to exaggerate the word of God in order to satisfy his own selfishness. When he becomes so disoriented in his quest for the spiritual side, its no wonder he is confused about what his requirements are and to what consequences that follows when God's righteousness standards are ignored.

The days of Noah are a prime example of our days today. Noah was giving warning to the people of the earth at that time about a pending deluge which was a divine judgement because of the wickedness of man. I'm not sure if the ridiculers of Noah used those same expressions of "good googly go, or nanny nanny booboo" during his time, but it was obvious very few people took him serious enough to warrant building something as stupid as an ark. Non the less, Noah did warn the people of the coming rains and I can safely assume those people would have traded their sarcastic remarks for a room in the ark, rather than threading water all day.

Today is quite similiar, but it is yet future and there are people emphasizing warnings just as Noah did during his time.
I'm sure Mr Gevalt, your father would never hesitate to warn you if your immediate life was in danger from some unforseeable occurence. Giving warnings of pending tribulation is commendable on the person(s) addressing it, but just as the people who were warned of the flood, it depends entirely on how you react to it.
I'm sure your remarks on the coming day of Jehovah probably won't match the cute ones you use today and I'm equally sure because of your lack of insight on scriptural matters that you would possibly consider your fate as a natural phenomenon.
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The 6 letter configuration is a fine example short of the perfect number of 7, but I assume there was not enough room on this page to disclose any more than tens of millions of names with the exact count.
The numbers 666 are significant for reference as the number of man (mark of the beast) only. They carry absolutely no value to events and incidents in relation to Biblical prophecies. Hense, man and his over-emphasized imagination.

Every single human being who ever walked the earth throughout history who died went to hell. The Hebrew word (Sheols) and Greek word (Hades) are the interpeted words used for hell, and when translated back to modern day english they both mean grave. Jesus Christ himself spend 3 days in hell. You should never get the word "Gehenna" confused with hell. It was a firey dump outside the city of Jerusalem.

The rapture is thought to be the meaning of all Christians in 1 Thessalonians 4: 17, but closely examining scriptures that coincide with it shows the Bible is referring to the 144,000 only.

Yes, there is a town in Quebec with that name. The Gog of Magog is a Biblical reference that nost of us alive on earth today will never experience. Found in appearance in Revelation 20: 8 it emphasizes the abyssed Satan and his followers being released during the closing of the thousand year reign of Christ Jesus after the battle of Armageddon.

Wormwood is a woody plant with a strong bitter aromatic odor found in Palestine and it is represented in scriptural expressions concerning injustices and unrighteousness.

Because the Bible was mostly written while the Nation of Israel was under the covenant reign as God's chosen people, astrology was not practised by the Israelites, therefore is irrelevant to Biblical prophecies.

When Jesus was addressing new commandments to love one another, he was referring to all Gentiles, both female and males. He would never emphasize homosexuality when his heavenly Father clearly points out that it is obscene, therefore not approved by divine standards. Its ironic how homosexuals will use that verse to support their lifestyles, thereby clergy and church-goers who tolerate gays are bringing ostracism upon God's holy name.

Since the Sermon on the Mount occured hundreds of years prior and most of those prediction came true within the 20th century, I guess inspiration expressions are definitely a matter of choice. The Bible is the only book when interpeted correctly, that informs man of his requirements to his creator.

John, the last surviving apostle of Christ in exile on the island of Patmos did not (and would not) experience the Revelation, rather he was given signs by God's angel in a vision. The visions cor-ordinate the number 7 to represent completeness (last Bible book) and to show God's people the things that must shortly take place.

Coming out of Babylon is a future prophecy, but most people do not understand the modern implications of it according to the chapter of Revelation. It refers to Babylon the Great (harlot) which represents all false religions (Christendom) on the earth and of its destruction by the the Scarlet Coloured Wild Beast that stems from the original Wild Beast. The scarlet beast is recognized as the United Nations organization on earth formed within the boundaries of the Wild Beast,...the United States of America.

Once the Tribulation begins, there will be no escape for anyone, but Mexico will at least be warmer than most climates.
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When it comes to religious indifferences and the opinions of everyone being 100% right, or wrong, I agree CJ, there is a fight to be had for supremacy, but if one is to use discernment to understand the accurate knowledge of scriptures, then it is God and his word that is 100% correct.
It was commendable that your cousin saw the discrepancies of the Catholic Church, but its unfortunate that Paganism does not disclose accurate truth either, as the mentioning of the woman in Bible text (Dead Sea schrolls) was not a literal female person, rather a oneness of spirituality, (as an illustration of Jesus Christ and the surviving congregation) in comparison to a married couple.

Disproving what you have written in your comment is not necessary. If you follow the counseling in Proverbs 3: 5-6; Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding. (6) In all your ways take notice of him, and he himself will make your paths straight.

Adhering to your beliefs and opinions just for sake of argument is futile, but having a conscientious heart and an open mind towards truth will set you free of speculative objectives.
All organized religions, not just Christianity, are man made, each one basing man made doctrines that are infiltrated into the holy scriptures and very easy to reveal.

You are correct about women being the source of life here on earth because of a woman's child-bearing qualities and all are deserving of deep respect and praise, but there would be no life without God who created everything for a purpose.

It is not the world that will end, its the system of things that is suppressing all mankind that will end. To fight over an inevitable event would not be practical as it is God's word who discloses that fact, not mine!
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Jose, your comment is very sincere and if you want to be a survivor through this coming tribulation, the method is relatively simple, however, to do so will take diligent effort on your part.
I could meerly suggest for you where to go to seek help, but God does not work through instant gradification, as he reads the hearts of all who seek him.
Because a relationship with God is a personal one, your prayers to him must also be personal. To do so, just shut your door to your room, leave all your anixeties behind and ask your heavenly Father to give you guidance towards the faith he recognizes on this earth today. He may not respond instantly, but then he also knows the urgency of our times, so if someone comes to your door and wishes to share information about his Kingdom, give them a listen, the message may be exactly what you want to hear.
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Your comment reply RJ is exclusive enough to relate that you possibly would not be a survivor in the coming tribulation and that's quite alright, regardless what your opinions are towards scriptural content, you will no doub't be a part of this fast approaching prophecy either way.
Having a favourable humbleness such as Jose would be a wise decision on your part, but as the Bible brings out that we are all responsble for our own actions, positive or negative.
Because these final days are in direct comparison to Noah's day before the deludge destroyed the earth, I could assume by reading about the very few survivors during that tribulation, that they possibly had the same attitude towards Noah's warning such as you have today.
They might have even spoke similiar words just like you have RJ, but when the ark door was seal by God and the rains came, I could also assume when critical times became apparent, the attitudes of the ridiculars might have changed,...but to them it was too late, but you RJ,... there is still time.
You can see for yourself that events in this world are unfolding rapidly and I'm sure no-one would think any less of you if you walked a little wiser and paid a little more attention to the signs.
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Well RJ, in all due respects when it comes to religion the childish imaginary friend is quite real, in fact the discrepancies of organized religion are also real, but very shortly in divine due time those religions who have deceived mankind for so many centuries will be dealt a death blow when the great tribulation begins.
When religion is brought to its non-existant state there will be one more very real incident, you, me and the rest of the population of the earth will face besides chaotic turmoil.
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Its also equally interesting to note that there are people who cannot handle the truth of accurate Bible interpetation because it doesn't always approve of their lifestyles, or their customs, therefore they dismiss certain scriptures as a mystery. The Bible does not contain a single verse that cannot be explained.
Thus the reason why there are so many various religions (when the Bible mentions only one) that have affiliation with doctrines of men, rather than keeping accurately the authentic word of God. Religions made God adaptable to man, whereas the holy scriptures related the requirements for man by God.
With the help of modern technology the authenticity of the scriptures have been accurately restored.
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Your notion about my good book in perfect context is indeed not accurate, as I see no relation of Christ refering to his disciples about these signs becoming fulfilled during his time. Those disciples he mentioned are before the fact, or definitely future. As he relates in Matthew 28: 19-20

Go therefore and make disciples of people of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, (20) teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. And, look, I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.

Its without doub't that the system of things in which he was addressing in the later verse was implicating a much later time period,... our time today.

During his ministry while still on earth there were many events that were hundreds of years away from fulfillment, such as the ending of the Appointed Times of the Nations, (Gentile Times) many of the prophecies he addressed in Matthew 24 were not to be fulfilled until the 20th century when man's technical acheivments could initialize God's purpose, so Jesus obviously was not talking about Armageddon occuring within his time.

There are many scriptures that have implemented fulfillment when the actuality is still future.
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Christ was talking to his apostles in Matthew 16: 28 and its obvious they could not live into our modern era, but he was referring to future present day true Christians who follow in his footsteps and adhere closely to the scriptures.
These will be the same survivors mentioned in Revelation 7: 13-14 who will come out of the great Tribulation.
Jesus Christ was present in his Kingdom when the "Appointed Times of the Nations" ended after 2520 years of the 7 Bible times that began in 607 BCE.
His claim of the Kingdom will be revealed to unbelievers and to many self confessed Christians (who claim to know God) during the Tribulation.
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Tray Jameson, your concept of a resurrected repentance where everyone is admited into heaven is a pleasant sound theory that anyone could endorse and enjoy, but it is so numerously contradicted by the scriptures that it is in reality, impossible. Heaven is the option for an elite few, whereas the earth was created solely for the home of obedient mankind, which was God's original plan for man before he fell into his own disparity, thereby delaying temporary, that purpose.
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Taking in consideration that you have read the entire chapter of Matthew 24 from its beginning and perhaps you have studied secular history of the 20th century in chronological order, you could varify that the prophecies Christ spoke of have taken place. Verses 21-22 is evidence after the fact that a tribulation never seen by the masses of population on earth since its beginning until now is still before the fact, (yet future). Verse 22 gives clear indication that an event is very close to fulfillment in our time that could result in the destruction of the human-race, but it also shows that God will intervene in mankinds affairs on account of his chosen ones.
Many scholars who study interpetations of scriptures suggest God's chosen ones are the Nation of Israel, because the titlement of Israel is consistantly used throughout. Israel is symbolical referring to all peoples, all tongues and all nations, (Gentiles), just as a new heavens and a new earth is speaking literally about Governments on earth replaced by God's Kingdom and the population (earth) refers to a obedient people previlaged to fulfill God's original purpose.
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Too many people today, because of man's technical advancement, view God with a vision of pretend and this system with its motivated factors such as governments and religions has not shown the accurate truth of our times, which is why bigotry, hatred and tolerance seems the norm.
Civilization as modern as it is only reflects the temporary dellusion it has become in order to deceive people of God's righful purpose for mankind. His adversary is working in the vicinity of the earth to assure that outcome.
Man has dominated his independence from his creator for centuries and its unfortunate for the majority of the population alive on earth today, that just like the days of Noah, we are on the threshold of the conclusion of this system of things on this planet and as brought out in Matthew 7: 13-14, very few will survive the coming tribulation.
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The YHWH is referred to as the Tetragrammaton (literally meaning four letters)the divine name in Hebrew, "Yahweh!"
William Tysdale translated the first Bible into english (under the Catholic inquisition)in 1535 restoring the divine name to the english version Jehovah. The King James followed suit in 1611 translating the name 4 times in text.
The wailing and nashing of teeth scenario is ironic only for ones who are unaware of the times in which we live and to the coming tribulation where all of Babylon the Great will be exposed. Highlited in detail later part of Revelation, chapters 17-18.
The true religion would be exemplified by the teachings of Jesus Christ and his apostles who went door to door, had emence love for one another, who were no part of the world and were persecuted for following the scriptures contrary to organized religions. Look for familiar followers who share the same sentiments of Christ and there you have it!
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The YHWH or JHVH generally referred to as the Tetragrammaton (literally meaning "having four letters" is significant of the divine name Yehwah, or Yahweh used by the Nation of Israel during its covenant reign as God's chosen people.
After the Jews lost favour with God, first in 607 BCE, then permanently in 70 CE did the name Yahweh become a superstitious myth and was removed from the scriptures. (note: 607 BCE was the beginning point of the 7 times mentioned in Daniel 4: 14-16 referred to the "Appointed Times of the Nations")!
When the Bible was translated into english by William Tysdale in 1535 (during the Catholic inquisition) was the divine name restored as Jehovah. The King James Bible followed suit in 1611 copying the name four times in text.
The wailing and nashing of teeth scenario is only ironic to ones who are unaware of the coming tribulation which will expose organized religion on earth as Babylon the Great highlited in detail in Revelation.
The true religion is the same as Christ and his followers initiated during Jesus ministry on earth. God announced that during the last days he would restore the true faith out of the nations a people for his name. That name become apparent in 1935 CE. So look for a group of people who are no part of the world, have emence love for one another and follow Christ's example as well as they can considering their imperfect state. Oh yes, they are also well hated which is highlited clearly in Matthew 24: 9, and harmonizes with John 15: 20,...(persecution).
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There will be no such thing as the rapture. The 144,000 annointed ones is a literal figure of ones who will be with Christ in heaven. The world will not come to an end, its the system of things that will end. God's original purpose was for man to inhabit the earth to times indefinite and to live forever. Christ will not come back to earth as a human, he is already in presence setting up his Father's Kingdom and preparing for the war of Armageddon. The Bible mentions only one religion that is acceptable to God, all others will be non existance soon and the true faith will be revealed. Anything that is contrary to God's purpose is the Antichrist. There is no such thing as a firey burning hell, the word hell represents the common grave of mankind. People who are dead will not be resurrected to be judged. Death has aquitted them of their works on earth, (the wages of sin is death). Their judgement will be within the thousand year reign of Christ after he brings the human-race back to perfection and before he hands over the Kingdom to his heavenly Father. Very few people living today will survive the coming tribulation and the final battle at Armageddon and the wailing and nashing of teeth will be ones who think they understand the true meaning of what's interpeted in scriptures and realized their religion has deceived them. "No," I'm not Jehovah's Witness, yet Jehovah is the name of the true God.
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