Craig L 1's Comments

You're welcome! I enjoy Lar's work (more when he isn't just illustrating the scripts of another writer) and his Tumblr frequently features well-executed mashup drawings he does fortheheckofit, like the Marvel chicken DeadPoulet and Apple's iPad Mickey. And when not on the road at a Con or something, he does a Friday evening UStream of random drawing and casual art lessons that I enjot, even though I have the drawing skills of a spastic coyote. One of the cooler characters in webcomics.
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One problem I have with that chart is that it was a lot closer to 2000 when it crossed the 'neutral' line - yeah, there were smug people, but just as many embarrassed people (spoken as one who let neighbors watch my teevee well into the '90s).
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Sorry, but Scrooge McDuck and not Quincy Magoo? "Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol" was so successful it started trends for (1) TV versions of A Christmas Carol AND (2) animated Christmas specials. Without that, we never would've had A Charlie Brown Christmas. Besides, Jim Backus' cranky old Magoo was superior to Alan Young's cranky old McDuck.

Also, #5 is suggesting that we need more Kelsey Grammer. After seeing a little bit of "Boss", I came to the conclusion we've seen TOO MUCH of him, and he can never go back to Frasier. Has it been 10 years since I (under my pen-name) wrote about the Frasier finale and spoke well of Grammer? (gratuitous self-link: )

Where was I? The debate over whether Bill Murray was - or could be - a True Scrooge has been going on since the movie's first review, although he might do a more straightforward version today pretty well.
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Funny. I was already in radio when WKRP debuted. I'd had a high-profile gig for a while as sidekick/assistant to a Los Angeles morning personality (with the schock-jockish nickname of Sweet Dick) which I left to 'run' a small station in Central California (BIG mistake - I was no Andy Travis) and those wacky hijinks on WKRP (a couple of which were based on L.A. radio stories I was previously privy to) helped me to decide to get OUT of that business (although I used my connections to make a sideline out of selling jokes to DJs... you may have seen the ads for the "Wendell's Weakly" jokeletter, enthusiastically endorsed by Gary Owens).
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Actually in the late '70s, I was inflicted with a rather severe case of Disco Compressus. Very painful. And it has resulted in me being easily susceptible to attacks of Techno and, more recently, Dubstep. Scary.
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Speaking of comics, a group of notable creators of webcomics are doing a "Comic-Con you can attend in your PJs"... the totally web-based ComfyCon. If you've read comics like Something Positive, Girls With Slingshots, Least I Could Do, Shortpacked, Schlock Mercenary, The Devil's Panties, Dresden Codak, Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal or other less than reputable-sounding titles, you can meet the creators, live and unscripted (or replay their "panels") all weekend.
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Another reason to be sorry/glad I moved away from L.A.

I was worried it was going to conflict with my favorite Southern California celebration of absurdity, The Pasadena DooDah Parade, but the event, started in 1978 when the Tournament of Roses Parade was put off one day because New Years fell on a Sunday, has changed its 'official' date frequently, from "just before the Rose Parade" to the Sunday after Thanksgiving to the Sunday before Thanksgiving to currently sometime in April (bringing more festive-ness to the Easter/Passover season, I guess).
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...and you thought you couldn't do worse than "The secret compartment of my ring I fill / With an Underdog super energy pill"... or Roger Ramjet's "Proton Energy Pills (PEP), which give me the strength of twenty atom bombs for a period of twenty seconds". There were a lot of pill-popping superheroes in the '60s...
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Bronies are also responsible for the Government Shutdown, the problems with Obamacare, the Philippine Typhoon and the fact that "Agents of SHIELD" is kinda boring, right? Hey, why not?
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There is also illustrator Amy Mebberson (who does occasional work for Disney among others) who has made a 'hobby' of drawing "The Pocket Princesses" (here on Tumblr, with other stuff). I'm surprised she hasn't made a deal with the Mouse to do more with these double-adorable character designs; must be some odd story there.
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That's why most prosecutorial entities I've heard of like to call themselves "The People"... "The People vs. Criminal Guy"... hey, I'm not his victim in the crime allegedly committed; keep me out of this.
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