gwdMaine's Comments

I did not know the origin of 'Xmas' and I found it really interesting considering "You're crossing Christ out of Christmas when you say Xmas" was drilled into me by Catholic Nuns (old ones too) back in the 60s. . . .
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I watch a lot of foreign stuff and always go for subtitles over dubbing. Yes because of the poor lip movements, but mostly because there seems to be a very small international crew who do the dubbing (using Netflix as an example). Not only do the voices not match the character, if you watch enough stuff you soon recognize them. As for subtitles (and sometimes dubbing), as it was pointed out in the video, characters say Americanized phrases that make no sense or are out of context. Sometimes, I'd rather just hear/read what was really said. And if you have a Roku, your best friend is the button that lets you go back 10 seconds.
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How bats carry deadly diseases without dying. Ok. Some. Bats rarely get sick? Uhh.. No. No in a big way. There's this disease called White Nose Syndrome that over the past several years has wiped out close to 90% of the brown bat population in the Northeast. It can kill up to 100% of a colony in hibernation. I had a nice little colony in a small patch of woods next to my house. Summer nights at sunset was great to sit on the porch and watch them come out. They'd fly all around the house taking out mosquitoes. That ended a long time ago.
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Spermageddon. Right. Interested parties have been pushing that since 2017 when it was first debunked. Too much of a business opportunity methinks. And it is! Hopefully the Norwegians will get off their butts and finish their movie Spermageddon. From Wikipedia: The film consists of two plot lines, one focusing on a teenage couple having sex for the first time, and the other on Simon the Semen and his friends in quest for the Egg. The film has been reported to be "in the veins of Sausage Party" and described as "both a road movie and an epic adventure ... much like Lord of the Rings. Two of my favorite movies on opposite sides of the spectrum. What's not to like?
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Not comfortable with the "Brown" in Brown Friday. Doesn't convey much (at first) and seems like more of an inside joke. I like "Ass Crack Friday." I get that right away.
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