ktrabbit's Comments

Me lurk u long time!

I'm a commercial artist with my own graphic design/illustration business in colder-than-you-could-ever-imagine northern New England, and I figure that if I keep reading Neat-o-rama every day it will help keep my brain stimulated and counter-act the effects of turning f...fff...fuh...*choke* fifty.

Guess it doesn't help with those run-on sentences, though.
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There are MANY of us history buffs who would like to see it!
If you cannot post it directly, PLEASE provide a viable link!!!
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The operative words being..."This may seem CRUEL, BUT..."

No "but"s about it...this is cruel any way you look at it!!!!!!

How can anyone justify putting a wild animal through this kind of torture????

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It's a logging maul and was used by lumberjacks to mark the cut ends of logs before they were sent downriver. Different logging companies had different marks, like "brands"...mauls were more effective than hot brands for marking the logs because a log "rustler" could just saw the branded end off the log. A heavy swing of the maul on the end of the log would drive the points into the wood about a half inch, but the impact would mark the wood grain several inches into the wood, like a sound wave. Then even if the end were sawn off, a light scorching of the wood would reveal the owner's mark...like invisible ink!
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  • Member Since 2012/08/16



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