Chris Cyrek 2's Comments

As a conflicted rationalist, I see your point. But I can count at least five great presidents on one hand. These men (yeah, sorry HRC supporters, not this time) also tend to be in office around times of great distress: Kennedy, Roosevelt, Lincoln, Madison. While we didn't roll a great prez to meet the demands of the nascent 21st century, it seems possible from here that we are on a historical course correction.

As for you kids crying that the worlds unfair and that I should watch They Live! (you forgot the exclamation point) - the world is an evil place, this is not any special knowledge. One day you will grasp what that really means. Until then, by all means, don't vote!
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The way some of you talk it would seem a miracle that the United States has ever had a honestly good president. And yet, it >has< happened before, and so I entertain the possibility (the hope) that it will happen again. After the last eight years of institutional incompetence, a good President (and an equally capable administration) is something this country desperately needs.
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People who don't like Bizarro ~ easily offended drama queens.

Oh snaps, 'queen' is a derogative term (save for the fact that every single gay man I have ever met had no problem using the term).

Calling a pirate outfit 'gay' is equitable to lynching? Are you having trouble getting oxygen in your bubble?
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Religious fundamentalism can easily be added to this list of culturally acceptable delusions . . . the problem many people in America seem to have is that we perceive fundamentalists being everyone other than US.

That being said, Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins are douchebags representing the same ideological ignorance, just batting for the other team. Bring no the Robocalypse!
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