bean's Comments

Of all the internet meme's that were never funny and need to go away, this tops the list. Even those stupid Chuck Norris one-liners had more redeeming value.
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I'm with vonskippy, here. If the air force and its servicemen have so much free time and extra cash lying around that they can afford to grab some random mutt and smuggle it out of someone else's country, they're doing it wrong. Use that $3000 you had no other purpose for and do something constructive, like... anything other than bringing yet another domestic animal to America.
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If you try to instate two separate holidays called "white day" and "black day", I think we can guess what the response would be. But I do like the idea of an anti-Valentine's Day.
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Whites will never be a minority as long as they are classified by others solely on the basis of their skin color. There is a marked difference between Latin people, Slavs, Nordic people, and Celts. There is no "white" race.
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You started out by disagreeing that it's about people trained to ignore each other, and ended your first paragraph by stating that it's about people trained to ignore each other.

Bestiality, you say? Where were *you* living?
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I've always heard this referred to as the Tragedy of the Commons. And personally, I see it more as a cautionary tale about living around a bunch of New Yorkers than anything else. The assailant would not have gotten away with that in a place where people aren't encouraged to ignore each other.
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I couldn't love a woman who won't melt after reading the Darwin card. There should be a Pavlov card, too. ("You ring my bell", and him drooling?)
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That would have been a better article if they had taken the time to point out some of the oh-so-many ways that would have been impossible. It most likely still is.
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