Suzie 1's Comments

How can you be offended by that sign? It's hilarious. I think it's just commentary on all the things latinos have brought to US culture. Ever seen the movie "A Day Without a Mexican"?
But I hate articles like this- for some reason it brings to mind War of the Worlds. Some dooming voice over a loud speaker saying we are under attack. Except instead of aliens its "oh no the brown people are coming!!" Like the idea of less white folk is supposed to shake people.
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People still have problems with Jews? Really? REALLY? I mean seriously, folks, there was more than one person posting on here who either straight out was ripping on Jews, or at least dismissing this guy for his religion. If you live in mid-east/Palestine- I might give you SOME (very little) slack on the archaic resentfulness of the Jewish population. But still- Really? Don’t you feel like you hopped off some pre- 1940's bandwagon of ignorance? That you may be trendy in circles of shaved head, angry kids, from Alabama- but that is not something to be proud of...

The real story here is that a school on the brink of collapse was able to be saved by someone willing to truly approach things differently. What is the saying, "you can’t do the same thing over and over and expect change". I agree with what Matthew says, there are larger issues plaguing the school system. Not just bad administrators. However I think you can pour as much money and resources as you want into schools, it is going to take someone with vision to use those resources for actual change.
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I saw this lady on the today show, or something like that. Her argument is terrible (by the way she is over 40 and single) but in person she backed off way more and was saying basically that women need to stop chasing fairytales of prince charming. I sort of get that, perfect doesn't exsist, but her article still repulses me.
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@unknown- Morals and opinions are not facts.
*Fact-the truth or actual existence of something, as opposed to the supposition of something or a belief about something
*Opinion-the view somebody takes about an issue, especially when it is based solely on personal judgment

Being gay- none of your concern. Honestly I still cant figure out why people care. Who do gay people hurt? What is so horrible that they do that other human beings dont? Have sex, have lives? If it's a religious thing, the rest of society is not under the umbrella of your religious beleifs (which are opinions- not facts). If it's a science thing- there are plenty of cases where same sex animals do the humpty hump in nature. And we are certainely not on the verge of being an underpopulated planet- so just because Jill and Jill cant make a baby without Jack, doesn't equal the end of the human race. Get over it.
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Hmm, apparently I was wrong about no one falling for it anymore- and yes they do have electricity. A breif lookup of the 419 scam brought me to Wikipedia where apparently it has been going on in some for since the 1920's.
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Someone made a point; you can’t automatically assume the scammer is poor or that they don’t have a good quality of life.
But instead of being PC lets be realistic. If this scammer is indeed from Nigeria, Nigeria has the 9th most populated country in the world, a GDP around $700-$1500, and 60% of the population below the poverty line. Ok that is poor, it might not mean uneducated, but there is a pretty good chance this scammer is poor.
Is the idea of scam baiting scammers funny- yes.
Is the reality- not so much.
10 years ago perhaps a few people were duped by the African prince wanting to send them money- 10 years later no one is really that stupid. Anyone with electricity pretty much knows this is a scam- send it to your trash box. I've gotten them before for posting on Petfinder for Christ sake. Someone saying they will pay large amount of money for my animal (no specification that it was a cat) and will have it shipped to their home- would I please contact them and send a description of the animal. It is so obviously a scam.
So maybe this woman should have caught on that Arthur Dent could not possibly really want her hand written sample of Harry Potter. But she didn't.
Bottom line, do Nigerian scammers really dupe anyone these days- does any harm other than annoyance come from their e-mails? (Really I'd like to know)
Did this lady actually get a little screwed when the tables were turned? Yes. And that’s when it just wasn't very funny anymore.
She could have a family and kids- really the amount of money Arthur Dent was going to sned would be about 10 years salary!! It's like winning the lotto! I mean chances are she became a scammer out of some level of need for income.
But maybe I am completely wrong- she is just a bad evil person who got what was coming end of story.
And Ted, the pickle in the ass statement. Weak.
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I find the whole scambaiting concept very funny... but as I read it I actually felt a little sad for the lady. I could imagine her, jumping up and down thinking her ticket had come through; reading his e-mail about how much money she and her freinds could make. $4,000 is a lot of money, especially in Nigeria. They all get excited, possibly start buying things on credit. She is cautious as she continues to politely inquire how payment will be made. And then's not happening, and then shock and horror she gets an e-mail saying that she is associated with a criminal and will not get paid. And she keeps trying, but to no success. Everyone angry that there is no money.
I guess that's Karma for you.
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It's like when people play where's Waldo with images of Jesus being spotted in food, drink, and the sweat mark left behind on upholstery.

Seriously though- if you are gonna get rid of a parrot for mimicking curse words- you shouldn't have it in the first place.
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It's really not that strange. It's most likely because of a parasitic twin, see explination from Wikipedia:
A parasitic twin (also known as an asymmetrical or unequal conjoined twin) is the result of the processes that produce vanishing twins and conjoined twins, and may represent a continuum between the two. Parasitic twins occur when a twin embryo begins developing in utero, but the pair does not fully separate, and one embryo maintains dominant development at the expense of the other. Unlike conjoined twins, one ceases development during gestation and is vestigial to a mostly fully-formed, otherwise healthy individual twin. The undeveloped twin is defined as parasitic, rather than conjoined, because it is incompletely formed or wholly dependent on the body functions of the complete fetus.
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The Rescue put the return policy in with good intentions and good reason.
However the inforcement of taking the dog back, seems more like a power play because they had a celebrity not follow the rules. In the rescue groups rules they do not allow small dogs to go to homes with children under 14(they might hurt the dog). Instead of taking it as a case by case basis, and evaluating how the family was adjusting to the dog- they took it back because the children were under 14.
I have nothing but respect for rescues, and the people who devote themselves to caring for homeless and neglected animals- but many rescues set such a high bar and become very beaurcratic, that loving homes are overlooked. Sounds like this little 11 year old girl (only 3 years shy of 14) really loved the dog.
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I thought this was a great idea...until I looked at the website. It doesn't sound as much like they are an accessible reality for sex workers, as they are an art project to make a statement. The creator’s statement said that the shoes were meant to stir up debate- but what about practicality? I mean another forum for debate is great, but safety is a real issue for sex workers, not a philosophical one. Are any of them really going to get these super shoes...or will they just tour in a gallery? Maybe I am missing something…
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