Verity 1's Liked Comments

Oh, I forgot nitrogen-based compounds and lead. Those are a couple of pollution problems they're dealing with in China- also completely unrelated to oil use.
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Dave's right, public oil use isn't the main problem in China. Sulfur dioxide emissions and industrial co2 emissions are.

Funny thing, China's pollution is about 1/5 that of the United States. It's industrial, manufacturing cities (like Beijing) that are having the major pollution problems.


It's true, a lot of the global warming camp's arguments are starting to lose ground. I'd still like to switch to a different, more quickly renewable source of energy, but oil is still fine by me. Just curious, what do you think of a lot of the other things they're using (decreased habitat/population of animals- true or not- or global cooling/rising water levels)?
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Christianity went crazy in here.

I'm religious, but honestly people, the guy acted because of his belief in Christianity. People do stupid, oppressive shit for their religion all the time. It was him, not the religion, but as he was synonymous with Christianity at the time, the religion is held responsible. Which isn't wrong, though it's not exactly right- but whatever.

Oh and Alex Fear, you wouldn't say the Italians "killed the games" because there weren't any. They weren't considered Italian because there was no Italy yet.
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Oh, and there's the whole "they competed in the nude because a girl got in that one time" thing. I forget the exact details of the story, but before nudity was required, it was just encouraged. A girl decided to compete, and actually did pretty well. Then, at the end of the ceremony, someone called out that she was a woman. After that, only men, no women as spectators, and nudity all day every day.
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