ray ray's Comments

I'm not really a fan of any of these flicks besides Bamboozled. I am a fan of Black History Month. Who does it hurt? Black history is surely a worthy topic and one I've learned more about because of the designation.

I'd like to think it's more inclusive than marginalizing.

I'd like to recommend The Last Dragon http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0089461/
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I think we all can agree that having George Bush gone is a great thing.

My French relatives called to congratulate us on electing Obama. The instant improvement to our worldwide brand is incredible.
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Evil Pundit says: If Obama wins, it will be because of fraud — and it will be a sad day for democracy.

umm, look at the polls much Evil Pundit? Or is that a conspiracy too?

You already know you're lying about ACORN so I won't bother to school you on it. Should we expect high moral standards from someone with Evil in their name?
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Dave, I don't like McCain either. Palin does make him look better to the Bush lovers though.

If you're on the fence this site may help:

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Not funny at all and I'm really high!

Funny comments though--- You guys should emigrate to Halifax with me, except for Jepzilla. We'll meet you there and take the place over, man.

Hey Canada!
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Personally I think it would be bad luck to name it after Bush, funny as the idea may be.

If one is still cheerleading for this administration, there's not much point in arguing with them.

This is a "neat" post to be sure. This is exactly the kind of cool stuff I come here for. Thanks Adam!
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That sounds like a good idea Timothy. What they say they will do isn't as good a source for making a choice, IMHO, as looking at past votes, etc.

For example, McCain doesn't come out on his website and say he voted against a bill that would clearly make waterboarding illegal. And it doesn't say that he had spoken out against waterboarding before. In fact he used the issue to take the high ground against Rudy in the primary. (beats chest, pisses really far.)
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Josh, as I understand the plan Obama has put forth, I won't pay any additional taxes but I will save thousands on my health insurance. I work for a small company with some employees with chronic health problems. My premiums are very high. Assuming that you work, you are already paying taxes for other people's health care. I don't even mind paying a little more taxes if I can get something worthwhile in return.

Dave, I don't think Obama is getting a free ride from the media at all. McCain's pastor problems were nasty as well, "Hitler part of God's plan" and "the Catholic church is the whore of babylon" stuff. That didn't get near the media attention. USA Today is running a story today about Obama's "problem" reaching "hard working" white Americans. This after winning the primary in Montana whose whites don't work hard enough to satisfy the media.

Obama did cosponsor the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act with McCain last year. It was signed into law. He's actually done quite a bit of bipartisan legislation. I'm also not concerned about Obama's ability to defect criticism like you are. I think it's awesome.

McCain is the real waffler. I used to respect the man for his stance against torture. I know that shouldn't be worth much. I mean, everybody knows torture is wrong. I figured Republicans might listen to him seeing as how he was driven to insanity from being tortured in Nam. Now he's got a more nuanced stance. He was against torture before he was for it. It's sickening how your "maverick" has come right into the fold to support the same creepy policies that the Bush team implemented.
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Anon. Obama is not a Muslim. He does at least know the difference between a Sunni and a Shiite-- something bush and McLame are still having trouble with.

I'm sure Bob Barr would be happy to have your vote. I don't know how anyone could support McSame. You'd have to be crazy to vote Republican after the last 8 years.

Obama was Harvard Law Review editor and a prof of constitutional law at Chicago. You'd better have some pretty bad ass credentials yourself before you call him an empty suit.

Also, I know you feel sorry for oil companies but I really can't sympathize with their pain. They are fleecing us all.
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Shared, do you think it was easy for someone named Barak Obama to beat someone named Clinton? She had far better numbers to start. It was a masterful win and bodes well for the general.

Smak, when did he vote for the war?

Dave, Obama is taking no lobbyist cash. Now the DNC isn't taking any. I'd rather have a candidate that feels more beholden to the electorate than to corporate lobbyists. At any rate, that's not the customer centric idea that worked. What worked was being ready to take the cash and mobilize volunteers.
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You used to be able to get pickle juice snow cones in Pearsall, TX. I was never brave enough to try one but they were popular with kids who also put pickle juice on flaming hot cheetos too. The other popular snack was unsweetened koolaid mixed with salt on ice cubes.
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St. Louis style pizza is where it's at. It even has it's own kind of cheese, provel, which is deliciously gooey.

Lou Boccardi's on the hill has a great pizza. Rossino's was the best though.
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