hannah 23's Comments


My feminist comments are not obnoxious.
You don't work on Broadway, you work under a rock in the Jurassic Period, and Ted, you're just like a five year old with no concept of modern day society.
I would not even dignify calling you a moron. You're worse.

Read Beverly McPhail's article on Google today,
"Let's makeover cultural bias"

Read and learn

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Gemma said I was right in the things I said. Look at the start of her blog.
Things are changing for women.
I can't help it, if you're angry at that.
You're a dinosaur and you would look very good in the Natural History Museum with the other exhibits.
Sexist men like you are getting out of fashion.

Tatty bye.
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Models and actresses don't starve themselves of their own free will. They are victimised and they are desperately striving to change the Status Quo.
These actresses know the damaging messages Hollywood is setting to young women.Those actressess who are at the very heart of the film industry have real life stories to tell of their experience in the industry, and they paint a damming picture of the harsh reality they face as actressess.

Example. Clare Sweeny, that lovely great actress from Brookside went to Hollywood recently and was told that, even prior to being granted an audition she would have to go down to a size 6 when she was already a size 8. I bet you did not know that.
She preferred not to starve herself in the end, as she preferred to keep her dignity with a healthy size 8 figure, thank you very much,and went back to England afew pounds heavier, but with her head held high.

Another example is Emily Blunt, who has gone from strength to strength in Hollywood.
However, recently Ms. Blunt complained bitterly, that she was made to starve herself for a role in
The Devil Wears Prada. In her own words, she painfully described how she and fellow actress Anne Hathaway were crying in each others arms from starvation. Ms Blunt proceeded to explain how undignified it was watching other actressess eating a handful of cheese cubes, and looking ill because the size zero culture is something that is imposed on them. Hardly something I would call free will self starvation, Gemma.
Are these enough examples for you, Gemma?
They are hardly singular cases.

Thank God sex makes the world go round.Sex does indeed sell, and women are as much entitled to be titilated by sexual images as the men are. But there is rather a shortage of men selling the sex.
Gemma, the point I am making has escaped you and that is that women are used in a sexual content to sell it far, far more than men are, and most women would agree to that.
Gemma, you may not want to see a brawny male sprawled all over a car, but millions of women might just buy that car if a semi naked muscular young man were sprawled all over it,rather than an anorexic looking woman. It's mainly the women who sell through sex. How disproportionate is that. Since there are as many women drivers as there are men, I would say they are as much entitled to be titilated by sexual images as the men are, only thing is, most women want to see men in sexually provocative positions, not other women.

I don't think the human race would die out if less than beautiful women were employed to advertise cars and swimsuits to sell them. A woman like Susan Boyle or Ann Widdecombe can be just as sexually alluring as say
Jordan. After all, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Most women would rather buy a swimsuit modelled by say Susan Boyle or Ann Widdecome, simply because most women don't look like those air brushed chicks on the posters and in mags. Most women know that they can't and simply do not want to measure up to the glossy supermodel bimbo babe image which quite frankly are intimidating.
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You're obviously not British

Ever heard of Kings Cross in London.
If you want to see the naked, heavy duty porn pictures of women free of charge in the phone booths there, go see.

Next time you're in London,that is.

Happy Sight Seeing.
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You are so very right in all that you say, and believe me it is not just your opinion, but what you say is FACT. There is not one woman on this planet who has not experienced everything you write on this blog.

You're dead wrong yet again. It is Women who, are mostly judged on their looks, not their entire lives, but when youth fades.
Cosmetic companies earn millions by feeding off women's insecurities as they age.
The thousand pound a jar firming creams on the market are aimed at women and not at men,creating the false illusion that a sixty something woman can miraculously regenerate her youthful complexion by using their expensive products. What a load of...........
Incidentally, I think Susan Boyle should be a model for face creams, as she has the most amasingly beautiful skin.
You would do well to concider those millions of families who have wives, daughters , mothers and sisters who suffer from an eating disorder just to conform to the size zero culure; the hospitals are overflowing with their misery but you dodge that subject very conspicuously in your blog. I think it is because you very clearly know nothing about it. anorexia and bulimia are eating diseases that afflict women more than men, because they are judged more on their looks than men. It is a modern day plague which is exacerbated by the media. Women are victimized and bullied by this sexist phenomenon much more than men are. The top fashion houses of Europe are teeming with size zero models, who flog their skimpy overblown price taged fashions on us. Most women have a full figure, and it is the strong women who refuse to allow themselves to be bullied into submission by the Diors and Channels., and Versaces.

Ted, explain, if you can, why it is women rather than men who are targeted by this size zero culture, if as you claim men and women are judged the sameon looks, if you want to be nitpicking on words.
If you make a convincing argument for that, you'll be a first. Of course Hollywood did not invent looks discrimination, but with the invention of more and more technically advanced and sophisticated media communication, of which Hollywood is only a part, society has, over the last century, been able to use those sophisticated tools to exploit and victimize women, especially in a tasteless, sexual content, which is offensive and abhorrent to women.
A classic example of this is how Young Women are used sexually to sell cars, by sprawling their bits all over billboard posters. I never see men being used like that.

With this technically advanced media, also comes the freedom to exploit women in other manifestations.

How many times do women need to go into telephone kiosks to make a quick call, only to see degrading and disgusting pictures of naked women and young girls, NOT MEN, plastered around every corner of the booth.

The only reason why women are judgmental about other women's looks these days is because of the media pressure placed mostly on them.
A woman's natural inclination is to side with other women; the suffragette movement surely teaches us that.

Women are desperately trying to change the current culture's climate, but it is going at an alarmingly slow pace.

Women know all to well, that ageism is also something that affects them more than men.
The real reason why Hillary Clinton lost to obuma is because the American people preferred having a young male for President as opposed to a 60 something woman.
Men would not have felt so threatened by a young and very beautiful female candidate, as men like the notion or fantasy of being in control when they pick a woman for a position. A woman who appeals to their sexual desires has much more of a chance than one which does not. Men are like children, they like the fantasy of playing the knights in shining armour to a steretypical beauty in distress.

Men generally don't like the notion of a middle aged woman running their affairs or their country.
Although Susan Boyle is a singer and not a politician, society needs women like her, because she represents most women's needs, to be appreciated not for her glamorous, fabricated barbie doll size zero looks, but because she is more like the way most women are.

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You are dead wrong when you say that society judges men and women equally when it comes to looks.

Women are victimised more when it comes to appearances, and I am not the one who is perpetuating that fact. Society does a splendid job all by itself.

Paul Potts is a classic example of this.
Did he get as many laughs and sniggers from the audience before he sang as Susan Boyle did?
No way.

Another very good example about how society manipulates women into conforming to the steretype of
The Perfect Feminine Ideal is the size zero culture,
which is exclusively aimed at submitting women to fit into a certain image.
You don't have to be Einstein to know that the size zero culture is aimed at Hollywood actressess and Skinny Supermodels to set an example to women to look
emaciated and ill like they do, in order to conform to this obscene and unatural feminine ideal.

Hollywood actresses like Cate Blanchet and Meryl Streep and Emily Blunt are always complaining about how wrong this size zero culture is, because this sends out dangerous messages to girls who starve themselves into a state of annorexia nerosa they can meassure up to society'sunatural expectation of perfect womanhood.

There is no way that men are under the same pressure n to conform to certain codes of beauty as women are, and that is why you have so many people championing Susan Boyle,who despite having a great voice, has a natural and mature beauty, which millions of women would be honoured emmulate.
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Do you have a real name, or are the numbers just a cover up for your own inferiority feelings?
I think you are confusing me with yourself.
You sound very bitter.
As for myself,I have the best job in the world. I am an Opera Singer who sings Wagner, Monteverdi, Rossini and Beethoven at The Royal Opera House Covent Garden, and that is absolutely wonderful.
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Susan Boyd is a wonderful role model for Women.

Since time began, women have been patronised by sexism. Women have been straightjacketed into conforming to the feminine ideal stereotype for far too long now.
This unreal expectation that women must look beautiful and hot in order to count as valuable, is quite frankly a fashist phenomenon. It's like Hitler saying that people only matter if they have blond hair and have a perfectly well crafted athletic physique.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the way Susan Boyd looks. In my view, she looks natural and unaffected. At least she doesn't look like like Girls Aloud, who pander to male chauvenism with their whorish look, and give women a bad image.
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Susan Boyle is a Godess, and I am not one of those millions of people living alone with a cat.
I am married with four children, and she still inspires me. Why ? Because she is a human being with charm, manners a sense of humour and the greatest God given voice a person can have.

So what if she's not sexy or sex symbol.
Women's greatest features are their talent, personality and intelligence.
Men feel threatened by that.Who needs men , when you have Genius.........
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