Blog Posts Dewey Likes

Squirrel and Rabbit

(YouTube link)

The squirrel who snugs on the rabbit named George is cute enough by itself, but the accompanying dialogue here is priceless. Thanks, but there's no need to go get my camera, because we'd just have to round up the chickens. And I will have to disagree about something having to be "good" to get on YouTube. However, this is definitely good enough to be on Neatorama! -via Arbroath

What If You Stopped Going Outside?

(YouTube link)

The short version: go outside; it's good for you. AsapSCIENCE explains exactly why. I would add that time in sunshine also helps regulate your sleep, which is one of the many reasons I spend time in the garden whenever I can. -via Geeks Are Sexy

Let's Hope That Mirror Is Strong

(Video Link)

Otherwise this baby goat is going to go right through it when he gets a little older and decides to really go at it with that copy cat goat.

Via BoingBoing

Drinker at Bar Intentionally Swallows Human Toe

(Photo: Canada Tourism)

This requires a bit of explanation.

There's a bar in Dawson City, Yukon, Canada that has--or had--a preserved human toe. Since 1973, for a fee, drinkers could sip their whiskey with the toe inside. Because Canada.

Then, last week, one bar-goer swallowed the toe:

Terry Lee, the bar’s “Toe Captain,” said that on Saturday night, an American patron, who had drunk the cocktail before, decided to ingest it this time.

Mr. Lee said the customer was a card-carrying member of the Sourtoe Cocktail Club, a distinction given to each person who tries the drink. To gain full membership, people agree to abide by the club rules, including a $500 fine if the toe is ingested. He said the patron drank the cocktail, swallowed the toe, put the money on the table and left. “He just wanted bragging rights, that’s what he wanted,” Mr. Lee said, adding the patron deliberately swallowed the toe.

To be fair, he abided by the rules. Anyway, there's no need to worry because the bar has a large supply of severed human toes. Terry Lee, the owner, explained:

He said the bar receives toes through donations: either people who have lost toes in accidents or through illness, or have stipulated in their wills that they want a toe or toes donated to the bar.

Link -via Nag on the Lake

Dogs Love Babies

(YouTube link)

Of course dog loves babies -who doesn't? To be fair, cats love babies, too; they are just less rambunctious and entertaining about it. My cats are surprisingly patient with puppies, kittens, and humans under five years old. Humans older than that may get a lesson in respecting personal boundaries. The dog, however -she just loves everybody! -via Tastefully Offensive

How Parents Age

Wrinkles and gray hair are the battle scars of parenting. Wear them proudly.


I Forgot My Phone

(YouTube link)

One woman notices things she would have never noticed if she had remembered her phone. Those of us who weren't born into the mobile device culture understand all too well. -via Boing Boing 

How to Stop a Toddler from Crying

(YouTube link)

Yes, distraction, and an opportunity to show off, works wonders to make a child forget her problems. That works for adults, too, it's just a little harder to manipulate. -via Daily Picks and Flicks  

The Cutest Ring Bearer Ever? Affirmative!

Kelsie Curtis has a seriously cool dad. How cool? Well, he not only made her a custom TARDIS wedding cake topper for her big day, he also built a remote-controlled K-9 ring bearer for his baby girl. 


Naming Exoplanets

Quite a few companies have regretted their decision to promote something-or-other by offering to select a name by internet poll. However, the suggestions for exoplanets shown in the latest xkcd panel are awesome. I Like Neil Tyson's Mustache, Emergency Backup Earth, and Waist-deep Cats the best. Link

Dog Nurses Baby Goats

(Video Link)

This is Gladys, the Amazing Milk Bull (Terrier). I wonder where I could get pants like hers. They're really stylish and could attract tasty goats to me.

-via Daily of the Day

Hot Dogs or Legs?

(Photo: unknown)

The photoblog Hot-Dog Legs asks a simple question: are you looking at a photo of a pair of legs or a pair of hot dogs? It's often hard to tell.

Link -via David Burge

Alethiometer from His Dark Materials

I'm currently reading Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials. It's a trilogy of fantasy novels that feature this device, the alethiometer. Certain rare individuals can ask this mystical device questions about anything and get absolutely truthful answers conveyed enigmatically through 36 symbols on the face.

Some craftsmen have made their own (sadly non-functional) replicas, such as this beauty by Kat Young.


The Trojan Cake

This is what happens when adjacent countries have their patriotic holidays so close together on the calendar. Just like the Trojan Horse, this gift of a Canada Day cake came with a surprise inside! Canadian recipient and redditor TruthGoliath posted the deception. Of course, it was all in fun, and you can make a cake like this with directions from Betty Crocker. The lovely frosting job is not included with the recipe. Link

Inmate Loses Tooth While Breaking up Fight between Two Jail Guards

In 2011, two guards at a jail in Alden, New York got into a fight over a bag of potato chips. A prisoner stepped in between them, trying to stop the fight, and got caught in the barrage of blows. Undersheriff Mark N. Wipperman described the incident to a local newspaper:

Wipperman said the disagreement began over "what appears to be the dissemination of food products." A source familiar with the event said a bag of potato chips somehow sparked the fight.

Why did the prisoner step in?

Wipperman said the inmate told internal investigators that he got involved because he likes both officers and didn't want them to lose their jobs.

Link -via Legal Juice

(Photo: Yummy Pockets Potato Chip Bag now on sale at the NeatoShop)

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