Barbwire's Comments

Why can't we borrow Sir David for some documentaries? Most of the US-produced ones have narrators who sound as if they're presiding over the most boring (and pretentious) thing possible to imagine.
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Glad it's not all gay (though I did send the URL to a gay friend). We need more sexy men to balance the billions of boobs on the Internets. Women (straight women) use the Internet too, you know.
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They lost me when they went back to "three weeks earlier". It's a shame, because the problem is so serious. We need something spectacular to wake people up. I gave everyone--family and friends--a reusable grocery bag for Christmas.
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I saw a BBC program with three different scenarios for the end of the world: a pandemic, a meteor colliding with the earth, and the supercollider creating a black hole. It was rather scary. I think any chance is too great, being rather fond of this world. I'd also like my grandchildren to have their chance at life, and grandchildren of their own.
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Geekazoid: Eighteenth Street accepts blacks, and the Bloods accept Latinos. Where I live (Torrance), there's a minor war going on between a Latino gang and a black gang. It's sad.

Louisa, I couldn't agree more. And that's sad, too.
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One of my grandsons insisted that food could not be beautiful, so I took him to a Japanese bakery. The Japanese do amazing things with food, many of them very beautiful.
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My youngest daughter used to work for George Lucas, and she got to scream in several movies. I have to say, her screams, while not cult class, were pretty darned attention-grabbing.
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I've had dreams that alerted me to real dangers, both for me and for loved ones. There really is more to the mind than we've been able to discover as yet.
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