Roo 2's Comments

This isn't just on TV...notice on the way home from work how many times you get cut off by someone, how quickly others honk their horn when the person in front of them doesn't move fast enough. How the person behind you nearly rear ends you (or does rear end you,) because they are not paying enough attention to driving. All of this is caused by lack of caring for the people around you. I open doors for others all the time and say please and thank you. What I get is folks who won't look up when you are letting them in by opening the door and a huff and walk away when I ask my wauter for some extra napkins with dinner. You are not entitled to do everything you want to. What I remember (and miss) is the COURTESY that used to be more commonplace. As a whole, we have a lot of younger people with very little practice in being courteous to those they may not know. It's easy to be nice to your friends...can you be nice to everyone? Or at least try?
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Hmm, this is a subject that has been my soapbox for some years. I was born in 1970. I was taught to respect (and fear) my elders. That meant all those older than me that were of age. If I acted up in public and my parents weren't around to do anything, I was assured that an adult would disipline me. It didn't mean that strangers beat me up, but it did mean that the general public would not stand for a screaming kid in McDonalds (or elsewhere.) I respected my parents, family and my teachers. MY generation (of this upbringing) seems to think that was unfair and gives their children everything they didn't have... computer games that teach violence, cell phones to sext get my drift. What we have now is a large group of spoiled and entitled idiots. We seem to think we deserve all that we desire. Get over yourself. Treat the next person as you want your sister, brother or parents to be treated. Love one another...too much to ask of a bunch of spoiled brats, I know. But I still remain hopeful...
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I don't see where he feels he is better than us. I do see where he feels he is better than what he used to be. You feel the way you do because you read into it too much. It's the Haves against the Have Nots for an entirely warped different reason this time. Yikes...
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I agree! We interfere too much in nature and it's ability to balance itself. Working for a conservation organization, I hear of people meddling daily. It drive me nutso!
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Nesting birds of this size are diurnal. They generally will not be aware to partake of the "feast". It may attract owls looking for a quick easy dinner at night though.

Not very genius...although I see what they were getting at. Might be good for a bat box though.
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