Cola's Comments

Hey Max, I'm sure you'd like to tell that to Casper, my six year old tabby point, who sits, shakes, and lays down on command. I trained him with treats, like you train any other mammal, but he doesn't need the reinforcement at this point.

Their no dumber than dogs, and no less amenable to training.
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Oh my God, I'd almost forgotten about this guy! Several years ago I ran across his work and I always thought it was brilliant. "Bubbles' Birthday," or something like that, is still my favourite painting of all time.
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Neither. It's xenophobia. "Ethnic" food usually means immigrants. Fresh immigrants without citizenship or education have few options, and this dissuades them. Particularly the inability to find ingredients essential to cuisine which makes them feel at home in their own homes.

I mean, I can understand if they want to preserve the "Italian" identity of these cities for purposes of tourism, but it's absolutely ridiculous, and no intelligent person should believe, that the only options are kebabs or linguine.

Anyway, I find it ironic, since all mediterranean cuisine comes from an ancient history of cultural exchange.
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Wow, Bruce, way to generalise! That's about as helpful as saying conservatives are all fascist bastards that don't give a damn about human life, which could be argued because of their support of politicians who consider themselves above the law and their lack of support for health care for anyone who can't afford it. But I'm guessing that you would argue the issue is more complicated than that, and you would be right. But then, so would I.

Anyway, it's not helpful to shoot the bats. It doesn't teach them to stay away and depressing the population makes them susceptible to extinction. Does Bob Johnson want the bats to go away entirely? I believe he deserves a solution, because his business matters, but it should not come at the expense of bats. I mean, come on, they're bats. They don't know any better.
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Ugh... This is such crap. I'm sure it's all genetic and I'm some sort of freak because I have a vagina and play games competitively. It must be my extra Y chromosome that predisposes me to enjoying arterial bloodspray and a good combat system.

Must be it.

I'm sure they properly controlled for gaming history and cultural factors that may have an impact on the way we view the world. I'm sure.

Please, Neatorama... please... I come here to be stimulated, not insulted with preliminary studies whose conclusions are blown out of proportion.
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