Hannibal's Comments

@ Woogie: "He was clearly created in a lab."

But was the lab located in the US or Indonesia?

This is almost as much fun as watching him deliver a speech. Tennis match anyone?
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Excellent point, Dean; and the biggest problem with
our new President is that he & his cronies think they know better than we do how to spend the money we all make.

@Johnny Cat: Why is that outrageous? The caption actually says "Insurance, Pensions", which includes Social Security tax payments, which at this point in the life of that program doesn't exactly guarantee an eventual payout upon retirement, so I'd first question why SS taxes are included in that figure. That 10.8 percent also includes retirement savings; most people are far behind where they ought to be for retirement in the first place, so that figure should be higher.
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If an idea has absolutely no logic or merit behind it, you can bet Obama and his cronies in the House & Senate will be backing it strongly. Global Currency is one such idea, so you can bet we'll see action on it soon. ;o)
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