Comments bismuth83 Likes

Blue Screen?

I'm not trying to be negative, it would be cool to send something of mine around the world, especially if I cannot go for some reason, but is there some way to validate besides pictures that my stuffed animal actually went to those places?
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Yeah, it's not the picture, good on her for her accomplishments but it's what she SAID that came across as mean and belittling, especially coming from someone who has struggled with eating issues. She found something that worked for her, great, but her thing may not work for others. I struggled for years trying different routes and then found something that helped me, it wasn't the cure all but it was a step to better until I find more tools to take it even further than that, and the last thing I'd do is tell everyone they should do what I did or else it's just an excuse. Rude.
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Her message is a good one, especially for young mothers who really need their energy. It was the way she delivered it - "What's your excuse?" sounds like a put down and a dare rolled into one. It is taunting. She may not have meant to come across holier than thou, but it certainly smacks of it. I applaud her for her accomplishments. When I was a thin, young mother, PTA ladies hated me, and my college counselor (I went back after kids) told me I'd never make it anyway. So I get her message. She just could have been a little less smug giving it.
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After having lived with other people in a couple different households where food and cooking was shared, so everyone ate very similarly to save money, I've seen some vast differences in how different people handle food and exercise. Not just the guy who was a rail without exercise and always eating seconds, but for example watching a couple people work out together, with one gradually lose a pound ever week or two, and another taking more than a month to lose a pound, while being really miserable for the whole time.

I think the problem with a lot of things like this, is that they involve people assuming everyone is just like them and that the same amount of effort is needed by anyone. Even if that isn't true in this specific case, it happens so often that others will just assume that is what is happening.

It is rarely completely impossible for people, but for some, the amount of effort and misery involved leaves the question of it is a net gain for the person's life, if living an extra year is worth it if you spend decades not enjoying life. I can't blame someone for making that choice different than I would, especially if they aren't doing something egregious and instead are spending that time and effort to better themselves in a different way.
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I object to her arrogant assumption that I need to have an excuse for the person I am. I don't owe her a damned thing--not an excuse, not an apology, not a justification for my life. She can go raise her pack of brats and stay the heck out of my business.
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