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I'd say I'm various kinds of a procrastinator. There's the "I don't want to do it because I'm nervous what the results or consequences would be, so maybe when I'm ready" situation. And the "I still have a lot of time so maybe I can watch just one video" and proceed to watch 10 in the span of an hour or two depending on their lengths. The less innocuous "Let me do these other easier ones first before I do that one major thing because it's difficult". Also, "I just don't want to do it, so I won't until I have to". Yep, I'd say I know the ways of procrastinating.
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I recently attended a workshop on the publishing process and there's more to these books, more specifically the production it, than meets the eye.

Every creative decision done to the book design from the type of paper to the way they are bound adds a special value and significance to how the books are presented. It's not all about the text, as they would say, although it does form the bulk of what readers would find valuable. But it doesn't end there.

There are just certain things that e-books cannot provide. The feeling of flipping through pages, as Andrew mentions, the smell of the paper wafting through your nose, as well as the texture of the cover of the book and the inside paper, all of these things factor in to the experience of the book.

If you just want to get information, then there are tons of sources online to find them. But books still hold a special place in culture and history, so I don't see them going out of style any time soon. In fact, the publishers say that the time of e-books has passed. The trend has died down and we're all going back to the real deal.

On the other hand, bookstores might have a bit of trouble, especially with Amazon coming in to the brick-and-mortar scene, apart from their online shelves. But even then, I think book lovers and enthusiasts would know the importance still of your good ol' second hand bookshops or even Barnes & Noble.
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Not the only fairy tale with dark origins. In Cinderella's story, in order for the two stepsisters to try and fit their feet in the glass slipper, one cut off her heel while the other cut off her toes. Later on, in Cinderella's wedding, birds gorged her stepsisters' eyes out.

I believe Little Red Riding Hood also had some kind of metaphor. And my professor told us that these stories usually ended in this way: "And if they weren't fortunate enough to have lived, they would have died a gruesome death."
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Which is the kind of consumer behavior that retailers are taking advantage of. Essentially, the extra "free" stuff that comes with the BOGO deal is low quality, near-expiration, or in some cases, surpluses. Of course, as consumers, we would jump at the opportunity to buy something at a lower price than the SRP, but as Funky Freya mentioned, caveat emptor.
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Hey Pat! Just try to apply the feedback Alex gave especially with linking to the original source. I would only vote for things that I find genuinely interesting. Best of luck, Exuperist.
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I used to get frustrated when I have a dream that I couldn't recall. There are times when they are vivid and times when it just flashes by in an instant. Also, I wonder why nightmares are more vivid and stay with you longer than dreams.
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